
VAF Moderator / Line Boy
The can of K & N Air Filter oil that I had "found" on a friend's shelf finally ran out, so I went looking for a "recharge kit". ACS sells them for like $13....but I found the exact same thing at O'Reilly's "Aviation" (and auto parts...) for $9.99, and since they are on dang near every street in the Houston shipping charge!

Just thought I'd mention it in case I'm not the last one to figure this out....

Ironflight said:
Yeah, but add the $4.00 service charge.... :p
But you'll be ordering those fuel cap roll pins anyway. :rolleyes:

Seriously folks, browse through Van's parts list. They've "taken on" lots and lots of not-just-aluminum-bits over time and they're constantly adding new stuff...and Van's prices are extremely competitive.

I hate the little handling charge as well, but when you bundle a few items it starts to fade. Nice to support our kit manufacturer when it "makes sense" to do so.
You're right Dan....I'm supporting them by buying new engine control cables!!:)

My problem is that I think of things I need to buy, and then when I suddenly need to order something, I forget to browse for the rest of the items (or forget what they were...) that I should add to make the order efficeint....


Paul, I agree that it is easier to buy when you remember that you need something and have the chance to make the purchase. You may get a response to "make a written list" from one of the younger (still has good recall of recent events) fellows. Good idea except when you get older one discovers that you either forget that you have a "list" or forget to put something on the "list" or, more often, forget where you put the list until after you send in the computer order. That is when you discover that the "list" is under your keyboard or some other silly place that you put it so you "don't forget!" :( ;)
Paul, By the way I did remember to look in the local Auto Zone and saw that next to the "Brake Clean" spray they had the "Electrical Clean" (OK to spray onto alternators and other electrical stuff) to clean up oil and grease. This stuff may work on the alternator you have that got oil on it.