Working on my annual and cleaned the air filter. While holding it up to the light to see if all the dirt rinsed out I noticed what looks to be tiny pinholes in the filter material. Some remained even after I re-oiled the element. I have never blown air through the filter or used water pressure other than that from the bathroom sink so I wouldn't think that my cleaning regimen could have hurt it. I used the K&N recharge kit and instructions. Question....are these tiny pinholes an indicator that it's time to procure a new filter? How long do these filters last? When do you know when it's time to replace one? Thanks

Your million mile filter met it's limit. Every visible little hole is a dirt entry, it's time to change your element. :(
ps; You checked it correctly. After cleaning and drying, hold it up to a light and look for holes. Still, it's a judgement call. It will still keep birds out of the carb! Don't think it hasn't happened!
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I just replace it each year.

I went through the cleaning and oiling process one time but after that I just put in a new one each year.

Bob Axsom