My Dynon manual said to start with a value of 68,000 and then modify it knowing what the cube says you burned compared to what it took to fill the tanks again. The k factor can be thought of as the number pulses to register one gallon. Ratio the fuel it says you used by the fuel you know you used and either multiply or divide the 68000 number by the ratio. See the Dynon manual for specifics.
I've found the most accurate way to celebrate the fuel flow transducers is to pick some starting point and then plan to not trust it for a few tanks of gas. As noted above, fly enough to burn off about half a tank then refill. Adjust you current K-factor by the ratio of fuel reported by fuel actually burned. After 3 or 4 times, you will be pretty close.
I agree with humpybump. Do not trust it Until you have taken a long trip and convinced yourself it is correct.
I found that assuming 4.5 G/hr gets me within a few tenths of a gallon on a 2 hr trip. I don't really look at the totalizer.
K factor

I used 88400 and I fly around 5000 rpm with short flights of one hr. or less with two landings It seems that it burns around 5 gal per hr. Still not quite sure but we all should be about the same. Van's should have some better information along with the settings for the new auto pilot.
K factor

I'm at 80,000 now and it is real close to what the book says. Need a trip to see if it is good or not. Just another data point for you.