Bob Axsom

Well Known Member
It will give you vision, tools, materials and skills to solve problems around the house. Example:

We are going to have a hard freeze tonight here in northwest Arkansas similar to the one we had last year in April that damaged all our plants, bushes, roses, etc. I made an aluminum coupling to put in two windows to try to save the Azalea blooms at least this year. Even if it doesn't do the trick the fact that I came up with something to try to save them makes me a hero in our home. If you build the airplane and fly it you can take on a lot of things that the family will be thankful for.

Bob Axsom
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I love it when we find ways to use our airplane skills in other parts of our lives - way to go!

Ahhh....I notice, however, that you decided not to prime - care to go over your fault tree and design process that brought you to the conclusion that it wasn't necessary in this obviously weather-relevant design?:rolleyes:;)

I love it when we find ways to use our airplane skills in other parts of our lives - way to go!

Ahhh....I notice, however, that you decided not to prime - care to go over your fault tree and design process that brought you to the conclusion that it wasn't necessary in this obviously weather-relevant design?:rolleyes:;)


Paul, you clearly work for the government and not the auto industry. I saw right away that prime and paint was way too costly. Now if he had to cost reduce next year on this same project, I would have added a soundproofing material to the prime and paint. That would have knocked at least 10% off the cost. If he was good with his numbers he could have two consecutive years of 10% reductions in cost. Bob you really missed out on this one. You'll never make it as an engineer :D
Hero or not, if my wife ever saw me put two pieces of sheet metal on her table like that without a LOT of padding on the top, I'd be sleeping with the Azalea?s. :rolleyes:

Make an adjustable "deluxe" model to fit different window widths and there's a market out there.

Add appropriate markup for priming, sound proofing, and a Catto three-blade prop on a blower and you can really jack up the price!
Well they made it

I was up several times during the night and the lowest temperature I saw was 27F. There was a lot of frost on the yard this morning and shortly after it disappeared in the shade I pulled the covers back and took the window units out and stowed everything between the plants and the wall - they are forcasting a low of 31F tonight. It's kind of like evaluating a small speed mod - did the change make a difference or not? The Azaleas look good.

Bob Axsom
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Done Good!

Proof of the pudding. We had some rose damage from the frost but the airplane builder improvised defroster saved the Azaleas.

Bob Axsom