
Well Known Member
My wife could have knocked me over with a feather today. I took the day off to work on the plane and have kept wandering back in the house to give the poor back a rest (running wire and bending over).

Here is how the conversation started.

She looked at me and asked - "How much do you have left to do?"
I replied - You mean today?
Her response - No, I mean to get it flying.
Me - I dunno, fairings, wheel pants, control cables, a bit more glass around the windscreen. I'll have the wiring finished this weekend and a few more loose ends to get the wings ready for the paint shop.
Her response - You hate to do glass work - right? since that is mostly what is left - Why don't you ask your buddies on VAF what one of them would charge to come in and finish the glass work out. Also look it over and tidy up any loose ends.
Me - Well, there probably a bunch of retired guys out there that miss building and like glass work.
Her - We could put 'em up in the guest room, and feed 'em (we are excellent cooks by the way).
Me - Well, I wouldn't have to eat up vacation time to get it done. They could also park in my hanger. No tools needed - got those. Hey, it could be off for painting and be ready to in the next 30 for inspection.

So here comes the question....What would it take ($$$) to get someone to fly in, finish out the glass work and help me get the engine control cables installed. (I do have the nice farings instead of the ones from Vans). Give my work a good once over, and help me tidy up loose ends they see need attention.

Then I can ship the fuselage off to the paint shop. Wings, empanage, flaps, ailerons, wing tips, are heading that way in about a week.

Free place to stay, good food, fellowship in the evening unless its the weekend, and a little folding money.

Am I crazy??? Or just tired of building??? Or ready to get airbourne???

What is the price of crazy?? (serious question!!!)
Good Deal

I don't know what is worth to someone else but it sounds like a good deal to me. I would take you up on it just for the good home cooking. I am a single dad of an 8 year old boy, needless to say, we don't cook all that much except on the grill. Sorry to say that I am too far away and not experienced enought to help, but it does sound like a very good deal for someone.

Hoping so

Thanks Tom,

You never know - might be a bored glassmaster out there!!!
I believe Jay Pratt offers this service. You probably won't get Jay himself, but I know some of his helpers have helped out local builders here.
