
Well Known Member
In recent months I've posted questions such as "RV6 or Citabria for new pilot", "6 vs 8", and got lots of great advice. Found a 6 that met my "wants" a thousand miles away (but 2 miles from the house I grew up in!), got it inspected, and bought it! With 90 hrs total time I started TD training while the 6 was being inspected, then finished TD training this Saturday IN MY OWN 6!!! I went out this evening to do a few TnG's, wife called and wanted a ride:cool: Picked her up and we cruised along the New Fork River to the Green. Back up the Green towards home, then set us down in the nicest 3 pointer I could ever want. My wife is very nervous about flying, but had a blast!!!:) (When she's happy, that's a good thing!) Then it was my son's turn for a ride. We've all got "THE GRIN":D:D:D
Just wanted to say a big THANKS for all the advice, for this site, and to Van's for a great/affordable plane.:D
BTW...those of you that build your own have my utmost respect! Building is on the list for another time in life. But for now I wanted one flying while my 16 yr old son is still at home.
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Enjoy, and stay safe

I hope you enjoy your adopted -6 as much as I've enjoyed mine. You are in a fabulous part of the world for touring by air. Please stay safe.