Do you know if it is solid state gyro based or purely accelerometer based; If the latter, in my opinion it would only be "good" during 1g manoeuvers and coordinated flight.
The iPhone has no gyros. Only an accelerometer. It's impossible to do an attitude without gyros. This would only show a turn in an uncoordinated maneuver.

But maybe I'm just lying to you to keep you buying Dynon stuff ;)
The iPhone has no gyros. Only an accelerometer. It's impossible to do an attitude without gyros. This would only show a turn in an uncoordinated maneuver.

But maybe I'm just lying to you to keep you buying Dynon stuff ;)

No, Dynon is not lying.

Very, very unfortunately you need gyros for a practical AI.

There is a method to use only accelerometers and a three axis measurement of the Earth magetic field which can give usable results as long as none of your magetometers are directly aligned with the magnetic field (you cannot determine the angle of rotation around the field in this case).
I experimented with this quite a bit as it promisses lower cost but it just is not 100% satisfactory.

CEO MGL Avionics
iPhone technology going iStupid

People can't get their iPhone to Phone much less provide critical flight info...

This has got to be one of the best all time Apple iPhone skits of all time, safe for work, 04:18 long, related to the thread, enjoy....

This is another about the iPhone not quite as funny but excellent

ithink the iphone is idumb and way too much imoney and icomplicated. ilaugh at the iphone.
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iPhone technology

I use the "Disappear" iApplication all the time on my iPhone. It also makes my money disappear. I am waiting to try the "eternal life" application. You only have one shot at it and the download takes along time from iTunes.
ithink the iphone is idumb and way too much imoney and icomplicated. ilaugh at the iphone.
methinks you're quite wrong. I use the iPhone to pull weather briefings, airport information and all sorts of other data, and am very happy with it. Don't need to have a laptop any longer with me when I fly...

Nobody will stop you from laughing, rest assured! But your own experiences don't necessarily mean that all those who are happy about the iPhone must be wrong.

And if you think that the iPhone is complicated, then it surely isn't your cup of tea! :D

Ciao, Luca