
Well Known Member
Well - this probably isn't a normal Milestone but...

The emp/tailcone kit is going so quickly and over all so well, that just an hour ago I sent in the order for the wings, finish and fuse. Everything but the engine and panel stuff.

Thanks to Van's and NAFCO!

I'm hoping that the Dynon radio will make it into the mix before I need to order the remainder sometime next year.

Of course with an 8 - 10 week wait on the remaining kits, there will be some down time from building...bummer...

Maybe I'll paint the inside of the garage and hook up the garage air conditioner better.

Congrats Bob!


We corresponded way back in I think 2002 when I first got the hare-brained idea that I could possibly build an airplane. In fact, you documented my free $50K airplane ride up at Van's on your webpage.

The 12's go together fast so I'm sure you'll spend less than the 7 years that I took to build my 9A. By the way, weren't you building a 9?

Take care and keep those rivets!!
I remember, we met in the parking lot of a hotel for one of the Waco flyins. It was the one where someone turned their 8 over on landing. It held up well!

Glad you're 9 is flying - I still think that's a great plane. One of these days I'll get a ride in a Van's aircraft! :D Sooner rather than later I'd guess with transition training coming up next year for the 12.

I still have the 9 emp stored in my office. I'm thinking it would make a nice project after the 12...or maybe a 14...

Of course with an 8 - 10 week wait on the remaining kits, there will be some down time from building...bummer...

Maybe I'll paint the inside of the garage and hook up the garage air conditioner better.


I had the same problem, but back then the wait was 5-6 months!
I finished my empennage/tailcone a couple of weeks ago. But now I am in the process of finishing a kitchen island I promised my wife several years ago. Had the wood in the garage, and it was in the way to order the wings, etc. So need to get the island finished before I can procede to the wings. The tailcone and empennage went together so well, except getting the washers to stay attached to the stabilator. Finally used some pieces of dental floss to line them up, and secure in place. Then pull the dental floss after the bolts are in place. Works very well.

I remember how fast that tailcone went by myself. Just don't extrapolate that experience too far. The wings will be done in no time, almost boring when you get to the second one and have to do it all again. The fuselage then is whole different ball game it felt like. But then you get the time to really get to know each other :). When you get to the longerons don't use a hammer and search on VAF for "longeron dies". That'll save you a lot of grief ...

When you get to the longerons don't use a hammer and search on VAF for "longeron dies". That'll save you a lot of grief ...

I bought the longeron dies a while back (if I can still find them). I'll try and remember that.

FYI - Anyone going the NAFCO route or similar'll need an N number! I didn't think of it and now have a 3 week wait to start the paperwork.
