I'm New Here
I am new to the RV community. Just ordered a RV 14-A QB kit. I also ordered the Thunderbolt IO 390 and CS Prop. My question what year will my airframe be 2020 or will it be in the year I finish it? It’s going to be 8-9 months before it’s delivered. I have an experienced builder that is going to assist me with my build. His estimated build time is 8 months . I should receive my kit mid August 2021 and if his estimated time is right I will be finished spring of 2022. So will my plane be a 2020 or 2022 year model?
I have an experienced builder that is going to assist me with my build. His estimated build time is 8 months ...

That seems to me to be an incredibly optimistic time estimate. Are you and/or your "assistant" going to work on the plane full time? You are aware of the rules regarding paid help, right?
To answer your question yes I can work on the project most every day I also have a couple other guys that have built several RV’s and and a couple guys that work with me that like to hang out so we might meet that estimated time but if we don’t that’s ok. I have a plane that I fly for my business so I’m not without a plane. Just looking for something a little easier on fuel than 41 GPH and I am looking forward to being able to fly for fun. I feel like I made the right choice.
We built ours in 14 months but if we didn't have to wait on a few major components could have done it in 9. First time builders, 25+ hours per week, always both of us. No way to pull it off in that timeframe without help. I think 8 months is possible with experienced help. We definitely could build a second one much faster.
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There was a RV6 (not pre punched hole kit) that was built in 6 months and as I understood it, it also won an award. So with dedication, hard work and have the parts available to you, will certainly be possible. Mine took eleven months and another two months for the paint. It was built largely alone and it was to a paint ready stage.
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There was a RV6 (not pre punched hole kit) that was built in 6 months and as I understood it, it also won an award. So with dedication, hard work and have the parts available to you, will certainly be possible. Mine took eleven months and another two months for the paint. It was built largely alone and it was to a paint ready stage.

Actually it was built in 85 days, in 1993.
It was built by someone very experienced building RV's and he worked 16+ hrs per day, every day.
It was not built from a quick build kit (they were just being introduced then).
It did win a workmanship award award at OSH that year.