Wow, that was a bit more money than I was expecting! This thing may end up costing almost as much as a -10.
Well, 2/3 the cost of the 10 fuselage. I'm ok with it, considering the development that is supposed to be part of it.
Just ordered

140039 fuselage kit just ordered also. Great timing I just 100% completed the fiberglass work and priming all exterior surfaces today. Now, I can take a break and fly my sailplane until September when the fuselage gets here!
140087 Ordered

I just ordered mine. It is a bit more than I was thinking too, but I'm all in at this point. I can't wait.
I ordered my wings

Great to see the fuselage ready to be ordered and I hope in 6 months I will be ordering my fuselage :):):D
Anybody know if the tip up canopy frame is included with the fuselage kit? I would doubt the plexy would be in this kit.
Main Gear Legs

Just curious if anyone knows whether the main landing gear legs, on the tail dragger, will be the same as the prototype 14A. I think Mr. Kreuger referred to them as leaf spring?
Just curious if anyone knows whether the main landing gear legs, on the tail dragger, will be the same as the prototype 14A. I think Mr. Kreuger referred to them as leaf spring?

Unfortunately no, the -14 taildragger uses the standard Vans tapered rod main gear mounted from the engine mount. I really like the gear on the -14A, but I decided on a taildragger for personal reasons.