Does anyone know what the reality of the wait times are for a standard 7A kit? I ordered one a few days ago and they're saying 8 months for the first kit. Can anyone tell me how accurate that is?
Only Van's knows... I ordered wings last Feb and they just arrived a couple weeks ago. I had originally ordered QB wings to go with my slow build fuselage but when they started having issues with the QBs I switched to slow build last Aug. It has been a painful wait but now with a 99.99% completed fuselage only I have to is build and install wings, maybe I fly this summer!
I put in my order for a -7 empennage and wing kit last June. I just received a notification of estimated crating in may. when January of this year came and vans started putting out info on their supply and manufacturing issues, I realized that building would be put out pretty far in the future. As a result I had to find some other things to keep my mind occupied as I waited.

If waiting ~year per kit is unacceptable to you, and you're not married to vans, then maybe consider another plane. I reached out to rans recently and found that through the last year, they've been ahead of their delivery schedule. And the Rans s-21 goes together in half the time. different mission though and you'd still wait a year. But, you'd get the whole kit at once.

I decided to practice patience and wait.
Crystal ball required…

Does anyone know what the reality of the wait times are for a standard 7A kit? I ordered one a few days ago and they're saying 8 months for the first kit. Can anyone tell me how accurate that is?

Seeing the wait times (then) of 6-8 months for empennage and 8-10 months for the rest, I emailed my order form to Van’s for all of my kits on DEC 6, 2021. 3 days ago, they sent me a kit update status email for crating the empennage: MAY 6-27 (5ish+ mo). SO… it looks like they’re getting caught up sooner rather than later. I’m keeping my fingers AND toes all crossed for the duration tho… ;)
Only Van's knows...

I wouldn’t assume that even Van’s knows. Their delivery estimates today are based on the way things are today. Unlikely to account for unpredictable national and global issues affecting the economy, material availability, supply chain. Those things are all in a massive state of flux and I’d take any predictions offered now with a large grain of salt.
Ordered emp, wings and fuse last June. 4 months emp, 6 months wings and fuse….those were the lead times. Received my emp late nov. wings and fuse now not crating until this August/ September….under the new system. I understand those ordering later than that will still have crating around the same time as they are batching….first rv10, 14 and 12 I believe. 7,8,9 later in the queue.

You may luck in with the batching process…as in you ordered later expecting long lead times but will probably crate the same time as those with much earlier orders by the sounds of it.Some of us expected our kits much much sooner but we are the most affected ones. Just bad timing.

Good luck.
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One other thing to consider is engine and avionics lead times. Engines are more than a year out no matter where you buy. Same with all the avionics makers like Garmin, Dynon and Advanced. They are all quoting more than a year out for their major units like G3x and Skyview.