I'm New Here
Hi all! I just moved myself and my family out to Denver from Las Vegas, been here a week. My wife and I are both Air Traffic Controllers with the FAA, I transferred to APA and my wife to Denver Approach/Departure. I am looking around to meet a few RV guys as I am considering buying one and yet have never been up in one. I have nearly zero tail-wheel time, but I would very much like a tail-wheel RV.

I'd love to meet as many guys/gals out at APA as possible and would love to be a source of useful ATC knowledge.

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Welcome to APA. I fly there, and the ATC folks make it a great airport. Welcome to sunny Colorado and the VAF as well!



It is not a tail dragger, but I keep my -10 at APA. PM me if you want to fly.

Jim Berry
Welcome to VAF!

Hi back at ya, and welcome aboard the good ship VAF:D

I am looking around to meet a few RV guys as I am considering buying one and yet have never been up in one.

Well, you already got one offer in only a couple hours, pretty sure you will get more before you have been a member for a day.

I would be happy to give you a ride, if you were closer.

Just be forewarned, that "free" ride you are looking for may well end up costing you a lot of $$$$--------------but it will be worth it.

Welcome to the VAF family...I don't know whether to wish you condolences on the move or congrats.:)

Colorado is beautiful tho', if you can stand the coooold winters.

Welcome to the VAF family...I don't know whether to wish you condolences on the move or congrats.:)

Colorado is beautiful tho', if you can stand the coooold winters.


One of the best kept secrets in the land is that the winters in Denver aren't really that cold, and since it is so dry, it is very tolerable.

Bad winters are sort of a myth perpetuated to keep people from moving to Denver and making the place too crowded. The average high through the two coldests months is still ~45+ degrees. The mountains are a different story, and I moved here from MN, so it might be that it just doesn't seem cold compared to those often brutal Minnesota winters.

We do get some monster snowstorms in Denver, but the snow usually melts quickly.

Nathan, welcome to what is (IMO) the state with the best weather in the country.
I moved here from Florida and consider the winters to be ridiculously mild. I didn't even start the snowblower until February this year and then only to clear a few inches because I love the smell of two stroke. Denver and its typical inversion layer may be different from other areas of Colorado. I have to agree with John, love the weather here....just wish it snowed more.
It is not a tail dragger, but I keep my -10 at APA. PM me if you want to fly.

Thanks Jim! I would love to come check out your 10 some time. And thanks everyone for the welcome!

I think the weather here will be great! And since it is not 115F+ in the summer I'd say I'm more than excited to be here. So far everything about Denver has been a good experience.

I'm really looking forward to spending some time out at the airport and learning more about the RV. I have been looking for a while and was up in the air between a Lancair or an RV.
Welcome sir, you just moved to one heckuva place to call home're gonna love it. Here are some websites (created by Scott and Deb Mills - RV9A) to check out. They are only semi-active now, but once I get my plane done, I hope to try and get more RV activity going in the area. There are plenty of builders/flyers...just scattered and not very organized.

My build site listed in my signature also has links to both of these, among others.
Dangit, Ron!!!

You beat me to it! :D Welcome, Nathan. Definitely check out the Colorado RV Builders & Flyers Facebook page and the "Colorado RV List." These are how many of us stay in touch with the local goings on. My wife and I moved here (by choice) from Hawaii. You won't regret a move to Colorado, although I occasionally miss the ocean. Good thing I'm building an airplane! :D
EAA 301

You can meet a bunch of us at the local EAA 301 Chapter meetings (at least when we make it to the meetings :rolleyes:).
