Active Member
Just got my first RV Grin, thanks to RV8iator: updated

I contacted him through this site and asked if I could bring my wife and look at the plane, since I was planting the seed that WE needed a plane to buzz around the South East visiting our kids. One of my twin sons, my bride, and I show up at the hangar and get the full tour of a beautiful RV-8, and then get offered a ride. Not being one to turn down a ride, we coaxed the bride into taking the first trip. Ajax and a wire brush could not have wiped the smile off her face. Let’s just say that the ride home was filled with her gushing about how much she loved it, and that it was so much nicer than the C172 that my son uses when he teaches at the flight school in Jax. I agreed, but also reminded her that she was riding along with a pilot that made it look easy
Jerry was fantastic, and both he and his hangar mate George were nothing but encouraging about our quest for our own plane. All I can say is, thank you gentlemen. I hope to join the rest of you as an RV owner in the near future.
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Lots of fun

It was great to get to put faces with names and visit with you and your family. Follow the dream and what a wonderful opportunity for you and Matt to share the gift of flight. If you choose the RV path I can assure you that you will be joining a great community and it will open up paths you never imagined..

I really enjoyed the day..
RV Convert

I contacted him through this site and asked if I could bring my wife and look at the plane, since I was planting the seed that WE needed a plane to buzz around the South East visiting our kids. One of my twin sons, my bride, and I show up at the hangar and get the full tour of a beautiful RV-8, and then get offered a ride. Not being one to turn down a ride, we coaxed the bride into taking the first trip. Ajax and a wire brush could not have wiped the smile off her face. Let’s just say that the ride home was filled with her gushing about how much she loved it, and that it was so much nicer than the C172 that my son uses when he teaches at the flight school in Jax. I agreed, but also reminded her that she was riding along with a pilot that made it look easy
Jerry was fantastic, and both he and his hangar mate George were nothing but encouraging about our quest for our own plane. All I can say is, thank you gentlemen. I hope to join the rest of you as an RV owner in the near future.


Welcome to the RV world. I am SURE you must have some pictures to share with the VAF gang. I had that same RV grin right after I got a ride in an RV-4. I had never even seen an RV and right there on the ramp when I parked to get the $100 hamburger was a red, white and blue RV-4. As they say her on the forum- it was the most expensive ride I ever got. I promptly sold the 140 and the rest is history.

So are you getting a flying RV or did you order a kit yet? You know you want one. Now don’t forget Those Pictures!

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Free rides are the most expensive

Welcome to the club, but watch out for those rides, they cost the most! My first free ride was in a Christian Eagle, cost me a Pitts. Next free ride was in an RV7, cost me a RV6. If only I could get a ride in a Staggerwing... Na, bad idea :D
Tom Stafford Museum

My “free ride” in a friend’s RV7A to the Tom Stafford Museum in Weatherford, OK (located on the airport) cost me the price of my own RV7A. These dang grins are expensive! However it beats sitting around and growing old wishing there was something fun to do!

BTW, the museum is definitely a RV worthy destination! Plan on spending at least three hours there (and that’s not near enough).
No idea how to post pics here, but I promised RV8iator I wouldn’t share the ones

That I took. And yes, when my wife got out of the plane and said “ that was awesome, we need one of those”, my heart skipped a beat. Good looking, smart, sweet southern lady that wants an airplane.... sounds like the perfect woman to me. And So the quest begins.......
It worked for me

My story is similar, however my then girlfriend had never been in a small plane. My RV-4 however was just ready for its first flight, and all she could do was watch for 40 hrs until I finished my fly-off time. As my first passenger, she immediately was hooked, and the rest is history. The RV became our choice of chapel in witch we married at a mile high. The grin lives on after every flight!


  • Just married.jpg
    Just married.jpg
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Maybe this pic of Ms VANDawg will be ok

Widget is in the front pretending to do some pilot stuff

RV Grin update

Sent a message to RV8iator today that he should pat himself on the back for a job well done. That ride a couple of months ago where he got me, MsVANDawg, and our instructor son Matt hooked with that RV grin turned out to be pretty effective.
I contacted a fellow VAF member about a plane he mentioned for sale, had it checked out, and my son Matt flew it back to SEGa to make us the proud parents of a new to us RV-8A. Thank you to Skyhawk148 for being so accommodating and helping make things go so smoothly. We promise to take care of your bird.
On the the next adventure……
Sent a message to RV8iator today that he should pat himself on the back for a job well done. That ride a couple of months ago where he got me, MsVANDawg, and our instructor son Matt hooked with that RV grin turned out to be pretty effective.
I contacted a fellow VAF member about a plane he mentioned for sale, had it checked out, and my son Matt flew it back to SEGa to make us the proud parents of a new to us RV-8A. Thank you to Skyhawk148 for being so accommodating and helping make things go so smoothly. We promise to take care of your bird.
On the the next adventure……

These are terrific touring planes. Our RV8 has taken my wife and me all sorts of places we never dreamed of. Amazing what you can pack in the front and rear luggage compartments. Enjoy the adventure.
She laughed at the front seat suggestion

If she gets in the front seat, she says it will be on the ground with no motor noises. Hope to get up to SSI at some point. Matt and I were cruising around and gave you a last minute shout, we’ll give you a lot more heads up next time.
It finally happened

After several starts and stops, and many twists and turns, in late February I was able to have a DPE look me in the eyes, shake my hand, and say the words I’ve been waiting a lifetime to hear, “ congratulation sir, you are now a pilot”. I didn’t even fly the 30 miles home from the examiners airport, I just sat and enjoyed the moment as the instructor flew us home. So then I started the insurance flying requirements so that I could enjoy the RV-8A that my JetBlue flying son has really been enjoying for the past year and a half. (I have to laugh at that) Being cautious and doing more than twice what the insurance asked, my instructor so and I were finally comfortable enough to take my first passenger up in the RV. Here’s a pic of my wife and I after we landed. This short plane ride was something we have waiting a couple of decades to accomplish. We hope to see some of you kind folks as we explore the country.
new pilot

Congratulations on the pilot certification.

As my DPE told me: " your are now a pilot, go learn to be one."
I know that feeling. Taking my wife for her first ride in a small plane was amazing. I got my license last October and have about 120 hours since. We have been on one 400 mile trip and it was great. I make sure the days are going to be smooth with limited winds so the flights are fun. Im getting used to the bumps but the feeling on a nice smooth flight is amazing.

Like my instructor said to me, fly as much as you can and keep learning! Have fun. I know I am.
Congratulations! Proof once again that a ride in an RV can be life changing and somewhat pricey.........but worth it.
