
Well Known Member
Yes, I know there are still six days to go before it starts, but a buddy and I delivered two L-39s to the warbird flight line this morning, after a rousing half-hour formation flight from Rockford. It was "rousing" because we flew up there in nothing resembling a straight-and-level flight. ;)

The RV parking area is totally empty, and it patiently awaits you guys and gals. After last night's rain, the field was a bit soft but not muddy. It'll dry out in the next few days if there's no more significant rainfall.

I only saw one lone RV on the field, parked far to the south. Probably a volunteer who arrived early.

Most of the tents are up, all the signage and traffic cones are being placed, the grass is being mowed, and the exibitors are setting up shop. The new control tower looks slick. It's exciting seeing the show come together, but strange to see the place mostly devoid of people.

Just thought some of you would like a report. The excitement is mounting. Can you feel it? See you there next week!
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... a buddy and I delivered two L-39s to the warbird flight line this morning, after a rousing half-hour flight from Rockford. It was "rousing" because we flew up there in nothing resembling a straight-and-level flight. ;)

Sounds like I need to bid to ORD! Being your buddy sounds like some fun;)

How about a mosquito report?? I hate them devils!!

Dick DeCramer
Northfield, MN

They are fierce! Between 8:00 PM and 11:00PM they can carry you away and drain your blood. The rumor (started by me) about a shortage of bug spray is untrue.
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Funny you started this thread. I know 3 guys that are already there camping! They have been there 3 days already! I'm not kidding! They get there a week early to get good camping places, and to watch OSH go from nothing to the greatest flyin in the world. Now that is dedication! Bob C. you should do a story on that!

Today, I actually punched in OSH on my Garmin just to have it in my "Recent" go to locations. OSH & Ripon are now entered into the ol GPS. I even made my HBP sign! I'm good to go!
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Packing tonight, leaving bright and early tomorrow! Gotta get there earlier each year just to stake out my campsite anywhere near the year before. Each year gets just a wee bit farther from the Camp Store ...

Counting the minutes ... :D