
Well Known Member
Take 10 minutes and hack out a letter to your senator / congressman about GA user fees.

I know this has been mentioned before, but it is a big deal. I can't stand the thought of losing the freedom we have in GA here in the USA. We need as many people to speak up as possible to prevent onerous changes from being made.

If you don't want to type a letter, go to www.nbaa.org and click on the link in the right upper corner - it will generate a letter for you and send it on your behalf.

Just do it! :)

Wasn't this idea also proposed during the Clinton Admin?

What is the mechanism of taxes that currently fund the FAA?

I know a lot of non pilots will think that a user fee is fair since they believe they shouldn't have to pay a tax on something they never use. The ATA is likely to use this to promote their own agenda.

What are the hoops that the ATA needs to jump through to get this idea into law?

Sorry for all the questions but I have been out of GA for a while and am not up on this issue.
AOPA has a generous amount of material on user fees on its Web site. and also a write-up here.

As I'm in the media, I'm not allowed to write to congressmen and such. Although I think I might have sent them a message on Tuesday. (g)
Bob Collins said:
AOPA has a generous amount of material on user fees on its Web site. and also a write-up here.(g)

Thanks bob, the aopa website info does clear up a lot of questions. Seems this all boils down to the general fund and how much should go to the FAA. User fees are one way to reduce the FAA piece of the pie from the general fund.

The state org I work for had been totally general funded until three years ago when ahhhnold cut it all off for user fees. Lots of anger at first but the users have essentially gotten used to it as the new norm.

Once the fees are in place and funding, it will be near impossible to get rid of them.
Great Idea, Thomas!

Done also!

I used this AOPA link:


to get to my senators' and representative's web pages, and then sent each by email a personalized version of the letter from the NBAA.

I strongly encourage others to act too, because as CE (above) said, if the fees ever get in place, it's unlikely we'll be able to go back.

Fly safe.

Time to do it again.

Most of you got an email from the EAA this evening. Let's flood our Senators and Representatives with our opinions on the matter.

Demand support for House bill H.R. 2881, which would provide funding without user fees. Object to the user fees proposed in Senate bill S. 1300.

Find addresses here:


Write real letters on real paper. Big piles on desks have impact. Personally I think the sample letters at the EAA website are way too long. Senators don't read them. Staffers show them the letter pile and give them the tally,
so make it easy on yourself:

"Dear Senator Foghorn,
I strongly oppose Senate bill S.1300, and you should too."
Joe Pilot

Five minutes start to finish, and just as effective. Of course if you want to educate, fine, have at it. I sincerely hope our EAA and AOPA lobbyists have already done that. The enemy is throwing money at the issue. We need a big show of hands from voters, meaning you.