
Well Known Member
After a two-day course (5 hrs) with Jan Bussell in Okeechobee (FL), I completed my requirement for the insurance company. This course was fantastic. Jan is absolutely the best. His knowledge about flying and RVs is extensive and his ability to demonstrate was excellent. But the treat for me was to perform "the impossible turn" which was a simulated engine out after takeoff. The thing is, we cut the power off at 450' above the airport AND landed back on the runway-it was a 270 degree turn! After he demonstrated, he guided me about 4 other times for me to try it. I was impressed. If you need to hone in your skill set, I would highly recommend him.
Glad to hear you had a great experience. I plan on doing my transition training with Jan. I will need to get my BFR done with him as well.
I did my RV-6 transition training with Jan back in February....right here at my home airport. Jan and his wife were vacationing in this area and he was kind enough to take a couple hours out of two mornings and come to my hangar.

I had just 5 hours of tailwheel time then, so his patient coaching was very important.

He's an excellent instructor, and he's a very kind and helpful man.

Now it's more than 150 hours later with my -6....
I agree with Manny - Jan's "impossible turn" exercise is valuable, not to mention exciting. I did my training with him last weekend and found the whole event fun and rewarding. If you need a warm locale to get some training this winter, head down to Okeechobee and learn from Jan.
I too did my transition training with Jan; he's the best!! And the "impossible turn" from 450' was the highlight, to say nothing of a confidence builder. I've been singing Jan's praise to anyone who will listen.... Thank you Jan.