Will Bentley

Active Member
I downloaded Garmin's 430W simulator so I could learn how to
use my 430W. I even went out and bought a new high powered
laptop so it would run the sim well. Hmmmm, I downloaded the
sim...it doesn't work. I read now that it says it won't work on
a Vista Premium....it only works on the old XP or Windows 2000.
How is this possible? Everyone uses Windows vista now. Any
one run into this problem?? I suppose I will have to go out now
and buy a course on how to use this system instead of using the
free download from Garmin. suggestions anyone??
The Sim seems to work fine under Vista

I just downloaded the simulator to my laptop (which is running Vista Enterprise) and it seems to run fine here.

Are you having problems getting it to install or run?

Are you running as an administrator? (I am, so I have not tested running as a non-admin).


Well, the sim actually functions....I can't get it to tutor me...in other words the help file isn't working...also, I am getting a note saying
the processor is malfuntioning. So what i am left with is just turning
a few dials without really knowing what it is suppose to do. I sorta
thought this was a training device. What am I overlooking?
The older 430 simulator was just a simulator Will - no tutorial. I haven't looked at the 430W, so don't know if it supposed to be more than that....but with the old one, you had to make up your own training.

Paul is correct

The sim doesn't teach anything, but it does function like the real thing. The best thing to do with the sim is take out the user manual and follow their examples on the sim. I know that Garmin makes a syllabus for instructors to use to teach with the sim, but I think they charge for it.

Of course the real best thing to do is fly approaches in VFR conditions and practice button mashing. The unit is incredibly capable and you will love the new WAAS functions (like procedure turns and glide paths on some non-precsion approaches).
Well, Bruce and Paul...you guys are just mean! I just spent 20 years
worth of money for this thing and I want to sit back, relax and have
it teach me stuff!

Okay, seriously, thanks for the input. I did see a tutorial dvd or Cd that I can purchase for about $85 ... guess I'll just spring for that. The reason
I haven't used the manual yet is because the 430W is enroute and I haven't actually received it yet. Just anxious and wanting to get on with the show! thanks guys... I know you love your equipment and I'll betcha I'm gonna love mine..
