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Well Known Member
I sent my money to Van's for a tail group, empennage whatever. Isn't the very end of the airplane a strange place to begin this?

Anyway, a tiny sample of my questions follows and I'll try to stick to the things that matter for the work on the tail.

-Any suggestions for good tools cheap? I like used ones but whatever works... I have typical backyard mechanic stuff already but no compressor, rivet gun etc?

-Any opinions on electric v cable elevator trim?

-Is a yaw damper a realistic option?
-How about a 3-axis AP?
-How about in five or ten years when I get more toward the front of the thing?
-Would I need to make any accomodations for above two items now on the rudder?

-Can I get a sample POH?

-Where can I find the FAA paperwork, application for A.C. etc.?

-Can folks please tell me the things they would do differently so I can?

Thanks for all the help!

You will find answers to all of your current and future questions here on VAF. It's a good place to be. Welcome.
Richard Welcome!

Everything you need is here on VAF. Everything and more. You can get tools for cheap here, free advice, just log in more often and watch classifieds. Best place in the world. Spend couple weeks researching you won't be disappointed.

Added: noticed that you registered one year ago. It means you already know a lot :)
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Welcome To VAF

I sent my money to Van's for a tail group, empennage whatever. Isn't the very end of the airplane a strange place to begin this?


Drum roll please....... brrrrrrrr

Top 10 reasons for starting on the tail feathers.

10. It's a good place to learn the basics on large areas.
9. If you screw something up, parts are cheap to replace.
8. As you get better working on the other areas, you'll take a look at the tail feathers and realise this was a good place to start, and you might want to do over.
7. Try flying without tail feathers.
6. Try starting on the spinner!
5. The horizonal stabilizers make great work tables when attached.
4. This is the last thing other pilots will see in the air.
3. If you get disctracted and quit there is not a huge investment.
2. This spot left open to other VAF member more cleaver than I am.

AND the #1 reason to start on the empannage of an RV is!

1. You have to start somewhere! :D
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Try the yard store

-Any suggestions for good tools cheap? I like used ones but whatever works... I have typical backyard mechanic stuff already but no compressor, rivet gun etc?

For used tools I like The Yard Store
Affordable tools with good service

Personal preference but I like Avery's 3x rivet gun. I bought a 2x from Yard Store and borrowed a 3x from a friend and had to buy a 3x at Sun-N-Fun.

I also recommend Cleaveland's Main Squeeze

A bit pricey for a hand squeezer but works very well on -4 rivets since it has a mechanical advantage.
Yaw damper...NO!

Autopilot: Yes...even if you just put in the mounting brackets with no servos, you'll be glad that you don't have to crawl back in the fuselage me.

Ah yes, the adventure begins! As the other guys have mentioned, is your best source for any information you will need. You can also get help from the EAA Homebuilders Website. There a lot cool videos there. Also, the more tools, the merrier. For me, the pneumatic rivet squeezer is must. I suggest that you download Averys tool catalog and look around inside.
And a pneumatic cleco tool! Only about $75 at the Yard Store, and my sore hands say well worth it.
where to begin

not a builder, but wish I was.
bought a nicely done -9a, and immediately wanted to change a bunch of stuff, so you are wise to ask now! it's tough later to ground your plane and rip into it, unless you have a hangar/workshop.
it is NOT cheaper or easier to 'get one later when I have more time and spare money!'
lots' of personal preference here, but you'll have to separate the chaff from the bs!:)
try to climb in and out of a tip-up and a slider.
wanna carry a bike?
golf clubs?
beg borrow steal some stick time in someone else's RV, and see how you like:
glass displays vs steam gauges.
electric trim,
c/s vs fixed,
or AoA etc.

- I find the manual trim knob and cable take up a chunk of cockpit real estate where I wish I could put a throttle quadrant, gps, fire extinguisher, etc.
as others have said,
- pre-wire now for things you might want later!
- now's the time to make your fuel system ethanol compatible.
- grass strips, or x-cntry cruiser with 02 system

(I'll let others continue!)
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