Well Known Member
An entry in my first log book dated 05/27/1972
N99552 Ercoupe 415C Ellington CT to Katama (Martha's Vineyard) to celebrate our first wedding anniversary . I had a total of 63.2 flying hours.

An entry in log book #3 dated 06/01/2008
N99552 RV9A New Bedford MA to Martha's Vineyard to celebrate our 37th wedding anniversary. Total hours to date 5972.

A little history. My wife Sandi and I were married May 28 1971, and bought the Ercoupe in November of that year. Tough flying in New England in the winter but the plan was to get my private so we could fly somewhere for our first anniversary. Got the private in the Ercoupe May 8th 1972.
Sold the Ercoupe several years later to a buyer in Canada, so the number was changed. When looking for a number for our RV9A, I found that N99552 was still available. Now came the challenge to get the 9A finished and through Phase 1 in time for our anniversary. Since our anniversary fell in the middle of the week, we moved it back a few days to the week-end which gave me a little more time.
Completed the 40 hours yesterday, and today we re-lived the flight of 36 years ago in a different plane, with the same number.

What did my wife think of her first ride in a 9A...loved the plane, and loved the visibility with a tip-up. She's looking forward to flying again like we did in our other planes.
What did I think of flying the 9A with a passenger and picnic stuff...never even noticed the difference from the previous 40 hours and no passenger.
If you have a similar experience, would love to hear it
Regards to all
Jack and Sandi
Wow...that is such as awesome story. I'm a bit younger than you (considering you've been flying longer than I've been alive) but you and I are in the same boat -- both our wives love flying and love the RV. Keep it up. You're going to love your RV.
My pleasure Chad, and Jamie, glad your wife loves flying. As so many others can attest to, having a mate that will share your flying adds so much to your life.
But, it's hard to beat when it comes to having a wife (who is not a pilot), that has crossed the Atlantic with me 8 of the 12 times that I did in our Mooney.
We will not be doing any trans-Atlantic flights in the RV !!!
Jack -
The plane looked good back in February/March as you were finishing it up. I am jealous over that MT 3 blade and the GNS 530. Glad that the first forty were without incident.

Hope all is well,
Happy Anniversary!

Great story Jack! Happy Anniversary, and congrats on completing the airplane and the Phase I! What a great way to make your inaugural non-solo flight...down memory road, with your bride at your side!!

I've always felt that the logbook is much more than time in a's a collection of memories and life experiences!! You sure showed that to be true!

And since you posted this on our anniversary, you brought a great big smile to my face!! Thanks much, and congrats again!


Bob and Tina Mills
"Rocket" RV-6
Thanks Jack!

Jack, thanks for the highly motivational story! Katama is one of my favorite places to fly, and a real treat for the other half with a pleasant walk to the beach. How did the turf runway feel with the nosewheel?
Jack, thanks for the highly motivational story! Katama is one of my favorite places to fly, and a real treat for the other half with a pleasant walk to the beach. How did the turf runway feel with the nosewheel?
Hi Noah
No problem with the nosewheel!!

As an aside folks, if you ever have to perform brain surgery, you can use Noah's workshop as an operating room!!!! This also reflects in his workmanship..
I'm trying to think of a way to Shanghi him for a few days (maybe a week) to tidy up my hangar!!
Regards all