
Well Known Member
A few geezers from Spirit Airport in St. Louis flew west to Jeff City for lunch today.
Good friend Pete Field and Bill Peyton were in Pete's Lancair and took this shot of my 8. It was a mighty fine day for flying and we enjoyed it. The lunch special at Jeff City Airport restaurant is fried chicken, good ol' fashioned country fried chicken. :)
Flyin' is good, life is good.


Good job, nice tail, and I see his camera bend your prop too. My camera does the same to mine. I think I will have to quit taking pictures of my prop or that bend may take a set and not come back out after I stop the engine.
Yours, R.E.A. III #80888
RV Cruisin'


We are not "Geezers", my nephew says we are "Oldies but Goodies" so instead of a Geezer, you are an OBG.

Would have loved to join you yesterday but was working on right brake line replacement and some fairing repair/repainting.

Good pic of your -8, looks just like a little fighter.

David, the definition of "old" is "anybody ten years older than you are now".

Great photo!