
VAF Moderator / Line Boy
Someone sent me a PM and suggested that I look at my post count here on the VAF forum?.they wondered what I was going to do with my 2,000th post!

Well, I guess this is the one! Pretty profound, huh?

I think what I really want to do with this post is to thank everyone on this forum for being a part of a unique community - nowhere online have I found a better mix of individuals who go out of their way to be civil, proactive, and positive about helping one another. Of course, the biggest thanks has to go to Doug Reeves for creating this place to begin with - and instilling the culture of non-confrontational ?Total Civility? that we enjoy. Sure, there are the occasional snips and snipes between a few folks, but when you count them against the total number of posts, they don?t even count as a blip in the overall statistics.

Someone once told me at a fly-in just how much they appreciated the moderators keeping the VAF forum so nice - and I had to tell him that we probably moderate less than 0.01% of all the posts made - it is just that great a group of people! I can hardly land and get shut down at a new airport before someone comes up and introduces themselves as an RV builder. I went from knowing very few people in the homebuilding world to feeling like I have a fraternity of 5,000 friends in a matter of two years - from all around the world!

The internet has changed the way that people build experimental airplanes these days. I know how it was done in the past - and it was a whole lot more difficult to get answers to building and flying questions. With every question we ask, and every answer (or opinion) we provide, we are building a database that will help others in the future build and fly even better, faster?and most importantly, safer!

Two thousand posts? I hope that somewhere along the way, I?ve said something useful that has helped someone over a hump in their project. I do what I can, but I can tell you for sure that if I had made twice that many, I still would have received much more from these forums than I ever put in. All that I contribute is meant, in a small way, to repay all that I have been given.


Paul, you're as good as they come - a kingpin in the hobby who makes it that much more enjoyable for me and everyone else.

Good on ya, friend.

Ditto that....This forum has been a tremendous informational source. I check this site more than my personal e-mail!!! Keep posting Paul, you are contributing more than you may know. Thanks
Overtake George

Never thought anyone would overtake George. I think he still has you in word count.

It might be that you guys just like to hear yourself write :D

Like others, I enjoy the information.
It's great to have people that have already gone through the whole build process to reference on the web. The only downside of this forum is for us builders who are addicted to VAF and not in the shop building like we should be....

*Smacks self on the side of the head...*

Thanks for all the info over the years Paul.
We appreciate every one of them!
I'm afraid to look at my count--20 or 30 probably.

Keep up the fun!
RV7Guy said:
Never thought anyone would overtake George. I think he still has you in word count.

I don't think ANYONE is ever goign to overtake George, in posts, OR word count....I'm gonna concede that one right now! :D
In all seriousness

Good thoughts Paul. GMCJETPILOT is a treasure. He is an engineer, a big time heavy metal pilot, an instructor and like so many other good people on this website he is not shy about sharing what he knows about a subject or a problem without going into it just for the sake of argument. I cut my self off from time to time because I finished my airplane three years ago and I know it is not the best use of my time but like any adict I am weak and I keep backsliding. When I have a question I can always depend on feedback from someone that has worked through the same problems I am facing. Keep up the good posts, (and help me go faster).

Bob Axsom