Well Known Member
Hello, all!

I just ordered my RV-14 empennage kit this morning, and I couldn't be more excited!

A little backstory: I started an RV-10 back in 2009, but some major life changes forced me to sell the un-completed empennage several months later. At the same time, I walked away from flying, thinking I'd never be back. Well, after 11 years of trying to convince myself that I actually didn't miss piloting an airplane, in February of this year, I finally gave in: I transitioned from the Piper Cherokees in which I'd done all my training to a Cirrus SR20 ... and fell in love all over again. I've flown almost 70 hours since then, and I'm about to take my instrument checkride, which will fulfill my #1 New Year's resolution for 2020.

Naturally, I have spent much of the year browsing the online classifieds, window shopping for the airplane of my dreams. While a turbine-powered beast like the Legend would probably be my aircraft of choice if there were no other considerations (like money, mission, insurance requirements), I'm more realistic than I was a few years ago, and all of my research and browsing led me back to Van's once again.

I initially considered the RV-8, for its fighter-like appeal and amazing performance, but a side-by-side two-seater really fits my typical mission profile much better than a tandem arrangement. Also, I intend to equip my aircraft with all the latest avionics, making a larger panel almost a necessity. That led me to the RV-14, which I think checks almost every box for me. I've found some absolutely stunning examples on the net (many of them here on this site!), and this morning, I made my decision to move forward!

Back in 2009, I attended the RV-10 empennage class at Alexander Technical Center in Newnan, GA, and I got pretty comfortable with the techniques needed to get started. However, I haven't picked up a rivet gun or deburring tool in 11 years, so I'm a bit anxious about getting started on the -14!

Also, I sold all my tools years ago, so I'm shopping for those now. I'll also have to reorganize my garage, which is where I'll be building for the time being. I'll eventually have a web site for the build, and I'll add that to my signature when I get it set up.

Looking forward to talking with you all over the next couple of years!

-- Chris
RV14 kit purchase

Congrats Chris. I too after building two 6’s and a 6A have ordered my 14 kit today.
Hi Chris,

Congratulations on your decision to start the 14. You are going to love the kit, it’s very well put together. I’m just down the road from you in Knoxville. I’m most of the way through my 14A empennage. I’ll PM you my contact info.

Ordered mine on 11/22/2020 hoping to see the shipment notification. Just doing practice kit I ordered right now. Probably going to drill out all the rivets when I am done and do it again. better to screw it up than my plane.
I ordered the sign to practice on, since I am hoping the riveting skills I acquired 11 years ago in building most of the RV-10 empennage will come back relatively quickly. If I screw it up, well, I guess that skill will have come back too. :D
I already did the sign. Few mistakes there and some practice removing rivets. I am now doing the RV Training project. Trying to figure out now how to rivet the last AN426AD3-3 rivet on the ribs that the directions point out. Neither the squeezer or a bucking bar fits in there. Don't know how you are supposed to do that one?
I already did the sign. Few mistakes there and some practice removing rivets. I am now doing the RV Training project. Trying to figure out now how to rivet the last AN426AD3-3 rivet on the ribs that the directions point out. Neither the squeezer or a bucking bar fits in there. Don't know how you are supposed to do that one?

You can use almost anything steel as a bucking bar. I have some polished steel combination wrenches. One of them was the right thickness to use as a bucking bar for that one rivet. The first attempt was ugly, but the second looked good.

Kudos to you, Chris, for thinking through that important concept of aircraft mission.

I loved our -8A but after 1700 hours in it and our new home state's cold winters, the wife asked me to build an RV-14A. Talk about a keeper airplane! It meets all of our mission requirements and she now has her own heat control and her own flight display.

I plan to die of old age owning this airplane.
Early Christmas present!



Santa dropped off an early Christmas gift today!
Got the same present a few days ago. I have finished the inventory minor damage to a spar that was blessed by mothership found one missing bolt.

I've mostly unpacked the crate -- I still need to figure out where to store the spars and the HS and VS skins, as well as the bottom and side skins for the tailcone, so they're still in the crate.

Did you unwrap every sub-assembly to do your inventory? I like that they're so nicely organized in the cling wrap, but I feel like I need to look at each piece individually ...

(Another one of these Dewalt shelving units is coming this week, plus I've got a much larger one due the week after, so storage will become less of a problem soon.)
Do inventory sub-kits

Definitely inventory the sub assemblies as well. Vans does a great job shipping but occasionally a part is missing or the wrong part is shipped. Then you don’t know it till you need it.. They have always been great to respond and make it good.
I re-stacked with the sub number on the stack so everything was easy to re-locate when needed. I made a copy of the inventory list and crossed off each item as it was pulled for use. More important on the fuse and finishing kits where the parts are more varied in appearance.
That's kind of what I figured I'd have to do -- thanks!!

I'm ordering a bunch of clear containers (with lids) for the small parts like rivets, nut plates, etc. Any other advice for sorting/storing all the little parts?
In addition to all the other things you are doing, I pulled and stored the larger parts (not rivets etc) based on the plans order of use. Eliminated a lot of searching if all the parts for say section 7, the rudder, were all on the shelf together.
Hi Chris,

Congratulations on your decision to start the 14. You are going to love the kit, it’s very well put together. I’m just down the road from you in Knoxville. I’m most of the way through my 14A empennage. I’ll PM you my contact info.


Hi all. I am Hisham, and I just started on my 14A a week ago. I am next to the Clemson Airport. I love this kit.
Hi all. I am Hisham, and I just started on my 14A a week ago. I am next to the Clemson Airport. I love this kit.

Hi, Hisham! I'm still waiting on a few tools before I can get started on the actual build -- can't wait!
Hi, Hisham! I'm still waiting on a few tools before I can get started on the actual build -- can't wait!

Middle, TN? I used to fly out of Nashville back in the day. you will love the 14, it is very nice kit. What tools are you missing?
Middle, TN? I used to fly out of Nashville back in the day.

I currently fly out of John Tune! Great airport!

What tools are you missing?

A rivet squeezer of some sort (thinking I'm going to order the Numatx, based on feedback I've read here), some rivet sets for my Sioux gun, and assorted drill bits and such.

I'm still waiting on my new compressor to arrive as well.

Hoping to get the build underway next week!
I currently fly out of John Tune! Great airport!

A rivet squeezer of some sort (thinking I'm going to order the Numatx, based on feedback I've read here), some rivet sets for my Sioux gun, and assorted drill bits and such.

I'm still waiting on my new compressor to arrive as well.

Hoping to get the build underway next week!

I am using the rivet squeezer from Cleaveland Aircraft tool. I think it is very good and their customer service is great. My advice get some reamers too, its much better for final drilling.

It's not really an airplane factory until you have the banners/posters up, right? :D
CJK, where'd you get the Vans Airforce Airplane poster?

Sorry for the extremely late reply -- I've been offline for a bit getting a lot of workshop projects out of the way so I could start building :eek:

The image on the Van's banner came from here:


I then had it (and the cutaway view) printed by these folks, whom I VERY highly recommend:

Finally underway!


FINALLY got started on the actual build yesterday afternoon! :D

Although completing a few fun (but time-consuming) projects to get the workshop prepared was enjoyable, the whole point is to build an airplane, so it felt GREAT to actually start mutilating aluminum yesterday!

Here are a few images of the work table, floor unit for the Numatix squeezer, and dimpler/vise cart I built over the past few months:




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Heads up for new builders

I have consolidated most of the VAF RV-14 threads, Gotchas and FB group posts onto the digital plans at relevant locations. read only access is bellow.

Vans sells the thumbdrive plans so if you will be using this please buy one from them.


If you would like to contribute comments on the WIKI I need a PM with an email address so I can send an invite. OR send me a comment and I can add the notes myself.
