New to the forum, First time RV builder, 2nd airplane build. I finished and have been flying a Kitfox S7 for about 3 years now (1000hrs on the tach). ABSOLUTELY love that plane but I also love to build and need a new project.

Looking forward to learning as much as I can here. Working with Van's on getting my ordered placed this week and potentially a second factory visit (WX sucks this week in Aurora)

I'm wondering if anyone is in the the general Boise, Idaho area with a 14 that would be willing to let me sit in/walk around their plane, to solidify my decision. There is still a part of me that has the 7 in mind but I'm 90% certain the 14 is for me. That said its been 4 years since my first factory visit.

Yes they do and that's the plan once I can get there (looks like next week if I'm going to fly). Figured it was worth a shot to check one out this week.