
Well Known Member
Boy when I look at wiring now versus after side skin is on it sure looks like lots of things would be easier before side skin is on ie; headset jacks and related molex connectors plus other stuff..what say you guru's?? I am just about to put side skin on fuselage so have to make some decisions now..not later...I did install headset jacks..just because..and checked for no connectivity to ground as per instruction...just trying to make life simpler..
Wiring after the side skins doesn't present any real difficulties. I(and many others) just tip the fuselage onto its side and work away. It will sit very nicely on either side. Takes me and a helper a minute or so to move it into position. My tail cone will stay off as long as I can delay. This does mean having to run the trim wires through the wiring loom later on. Looks a bit fiddly, but not impossible.once you fit the side skins, you have a good solid structure to work with.
DaveH 120485
Before it got too crowded in the wire run I brought the tail cone close to the fuselage but not connected. Then ran the trim wires, static tube, etc. through the wire run and into the tunnel. Left plenty of slack for rolling the fuselage then once it was time to connect the tail cone I finished pulling items up through the avionics deck. Just my way.
Boy when I look at wiring now versus after side skin is on it sure looks like lots of things would be easier before side skin is on ie; headset jacks and related molex connectors plus other stuff..what say you guru's?? I am just about to put side skin on fuselage so have to make some decisions now..not later...I did install headset jacks..just because..and checked for no connectivity to ground as per instruction...just trying to make life simpler..

I was at this point five years ago, so my memory is not perfect. But in general, I know I left the tailcone and side skins off as long as I possibly could, and had the fuselage section up on a work surface of appropriate height to facilitate ease of access. That is what I suggest.
Boy when I look at wiring now versus after side skin is on it sure looks like lots of things would be easier before side skin is on ie; headset jacks and related molex connectors plus other stuff..what say you guru's?? I am just about to put side skin on fuselage so have to make some decisions now..not later...I did install headset jacks..just because..and checked for no connectivity to ground as per instruction...just trying to make life simpler..
Pretty sure Van's put a lot of thought, engineering and trial assembly into developing the KAI. I would follow the plans sequence as closely as possible with perhaps a couple of well known exceptions, like, for example, that fuel fitting in fuse bulkhead and wait to fit the cowling until after the engine is installed.
Installing the wiring ahead of side skins could present problems with installing some components later. Another problem might be painting the cockpit interior with the wiring in place.
thanks to all for input and thoughts...I will follow plans as per suggestions, trusting Van's has thought this out in detail...