
Well Known Member
It started with a phone call from my good friend and pilot mentor Tom Berge http://www.rvtransition.com. Tom wanted to learn how to fly-fish in the mountains so he offered to let me fly left seat in his sweet RV-7A, 369TB if I came with and shared in the fun. How could I say no...good friend, RV-7A, flying, fly-fishing, and the mountains. Sign me up, I'm in. We had an absolute blast.

After fighting 40 knot headwinds (Yes, that is correct) and 92 degree temps (6500msl) we arrived at KPIR. Ground speed was an astounding 110knots. Don't talk to Tom about the CHT's. Lets just say...slightly warmer than usual!


Passing over the beautiful Black Hills.

Up to 11, 500. My wife calls this shot "Nerds in the air."

Approaching the Sylvan pass just west of KCOD. Density altitude was about 15, 500.

Flying through the Sylvan Pass.

Yes, the RV-7A is slightly more of a handful than the C172 I fly, especially with a 8 knot crosswind and a very high density altitude. With Tom helping me out we arrived safely at KWYS.

Yellowstone Aviation. Hands down the most friendly, helpful FBO I have ever flown into. Anyone flying through this region should stop and support them. The airport has free camping on the field in a wooded area that is very separated from the airport action. There is a hot shower on the campground that worked very well (converted pop-up trailer with an on-demand water heater). Overall, the service was excellent. They even offered to grill us burgers our second evening at the airport. Yes, they serve the big boys but they gave us "little" guys very personal, warm service. After a big day in the mountains, their front porch was our spot to unwind.

Our campsite. The first night we heard a wolf howl right behind our tents. It woke me up and scared the living daylights out of me. At first I thought it was my two year old screaming but then I came to and realized I was in a tent in the mountains and it was not a two year old...it was a wolf.:eek:
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The beautiful view from the ramp at sunset. KWYS.

Why we go to West Yellowstone. There are trout in them thar streams!:D

The falls. A beautiful spot.

Uncle Tom's Trail. 328 steps and a massive amount of vertical at 8000 MSL. Tom showed me he was worthy of his medical certificate on this climb. I stop and took this picture. I really stopped to catch a "breather.";)

Our guide, Mark getting Tom and I all set up to catch some serious fish. Fly fishing is an absolute blast. We were out two hours and caught a bunch of fish. This was our first experience with fly-fishing and I have to say, it was the most fun I have had with a fishing pole. My RV-9A will have a tube in the back to hold my fly rod.:D If you are looking for a great fly fishing experience check out http://jacklinsflyshop.qwestoffice.net/. Outstanding guide service.

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Tom and I on our last hike of the trip. It really is beautiful back country. It is quite humbling when you realize that you are hiking, fishing, camping and flying into a caldera of one of the world's largest active volcanos.:eek:

Wheels up at 0700z. We hoped to get off the ground earlier but we awoke to ice on the wings. Had to spend some time cleaning 369TB off so she would produce lift.

The "road" into KMIC

This was my first real cross-country in my 90 hours of flying as well as my first cross-country in a RV. It was also my first experience really flying an RV. Tom's RV-7A was the perfect plane to create all these flying memories. The bottom line...RV's are a heckuva a lot of fun, very useful and create life long memories. THANKS TOM!
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Wow, Aaron...thanks.....

...and yes, you're so correct about those lifelong memories...just wait because from now on, it only gets better!

Beautiful pictures and story. Thanks,
Great trip!

Thanks for good morning:) What I need now is a cup of coffee then continue fiberglassing.
WOW what a GREAT trip and SUPER pictures Aaron!!! If that's not a shot in the arm to build for 20 hours straight I don't know what is!

I'm tagging along in 200PF for the next trip for sure!!!

- Peter
Aaron, Great story and beautiful photo's. Tom, love that RV-7a.:;)

Jim Fogarty
RV-9a building
Absolutely beautiful, Aaron! Talk about motivation... I can't wait to get my RV-7A finished and do this with my fisherman oldest-son. THANKS!!
This was my first real cross-country in my 90 hours of flying as well as my first cross-country in a RV. It was also my first experience really flying an RV. Tom's RV-7A was the perfect plane to create all these flying memories. The bottom line...RV's are a heckuva a lot of fun, very useful and create life long memories. THANKS TOM!

Really nice trip write up Aaron. :) Deb and I were in Yellowstone last year with a group of RVers in the fall and just loved it there. We hope to return again soon, the place is beautiful and we only saw a small part of it. We have a lot of exploring yet to do.

An interesting note about our RV9A and cross country time, I have logged 750 hours in the plane and 600 of those are CC! :cool: As you say, they are "a heckuva a lot of fun, very useful and create life long memories".
