Well Known Member
Have any of you had problems with getting warranty work covered by JP Instruments? It's looking like I am about to. :(
Yes, I have, twice.

I was finally able to get it made right by talking to the Service Manager and doing a lot of arguing.
That's about where I'm at right now. The tech was supposed to talk to the owner and call me back this evening. So far, no call. I had to wait over 20 minutes on hold just to get to talk to him. Guess I'll call back tomorrow and post the results.
Booo on JP

JP has may have good stuff but they slapped a lawsuit on RV'er and supporter Matt at Matronics (fact). They really did some heavy handed things to him in my opinion. Aviation is a small industry and you can't treat people like that. May be cut throat law suits are fine in other industries but Matt was an innocent, and their suite was malicious and based on some weak grounds, in my opinion. They, JP, basically felt like they owned the word SCAN or SCANNER or some nonsense like that. JP has a history of suing others (fact). Matt asked the RV web list group, in a nice and humble way, what we thought. He was threatened again by JP for talking about it (fact). Matt changed the name of his product. JP later released a product with a similar name, note later.

I would not buy anything from JP, ever. If you read JP ads, they are brutal against their competition (EI, GEM), which leaves a bad taste in my mouth; although they have toned that down a bit. They may have the greatest and best product in the history of aviation instruments but still will not deal with them. [The previous comments are my opinions only and take full and sole responsibility for them and believe they are factual and correct to the best of my knowledge.]
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George, I remember when that happened very well. Remember the JPI buttons with the red slash through the letters JPI. I used to have that in one of my many graphics files but lost it. May be time to resurrect it. :)

I never have nor will I buy anything from them because of that lawsuit.
To 2nd George. There is some really bad history with JPI and their past attitude towards the experimental/RV crowd. My shop along with several other top notch Panel/Avionics business (I think), will not sell, install nor service anything made by's a matter of principle. The whole thing they did was beyond rotten & crooked. There isn't even many words to describe how ridiculously & unbelievably nasty they were. If you know your history then great, if not do some digging and you'll see. I'm amazed at how easily some can forget....

It'd also be different if there wasn't competing products out there, but there are a lot of them, specifially Electronics International who is and has been a standup supporter of this market. I'd use EI stuff anyday and enjoy the people there. JPI on the other hand......NOT!

Anyway, just my 2 cents as usual.


( I don't get sued....the above message represents my opinions only, and the statements made are the actions as I remember them. The above message is not intended as representation of factual personal opinion only)!
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Well, here's my story so far:

I bought a FS-450 a couple months back. After installation, it worked fine most of the time, but would occasionally register a 0.0 gph fuel flow on the ground. After about 5-6 hours of use, it suddenly registered 0.0 gph in flight and nothing I did would start it reading again.

My A&P contacted JPI, who sent him a testing module ($30) to determine if the problem was with the display unit or the sender. After he had spent several hours troubleshooting and talking with tech support, we were told that the problem was with the sender and that I needed to send it back. JPI would charge me $110 and ship me another sender. Once the old sender was returned, JPI was supposed to return my $110 provided that there was no trash found in the sender (either teflon tape from installation or trash from the fuel system).

The new sender arrived and seemed to solve the problem - the instrument started working perfectly again. A week after returning the old sender, I called JPI to check on the status of my refund. I was informed by the girl answering the phone that the old sender bench tested fine, and that since nothing was wrong with it they would return it and NOT refund my $110. I explained that this was not what the technician had told me would happen and I wanted to talk to him. She got huffy, and put me on hold for over 20 minutes before the technician picked up.

I again explained the whole situation to him; emphasizing that the new sender fixed the problem, and that I had run the old one only 5 hours before it stopped working. When he told me it bench tested fine, I asked about the possibility of it having an intermittent problem. He (the technician) indicated that that could possibly be the case. When I asked about having my $110 refunded, he told me that he would have to get with the owner and call me back. Three hours later, they were closed and I never recieved a call.

Not exactly my idea of customer service. At this point, I wish I could rip the entire unit out and get a refund. It's really unfortunate, because I really like the unit, and have several friends who are/were considering buying one for their planes as well. Guess I should have asked the question in the thread title BEFORE purchasing the unit, huh?
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I'm going to take this rare opportunity to agree with George ;) No RVer should ever buy from JPI after what they did to Matt. Imagine the response if some company tried to come in and strong-arm Doug and close down VAF WWW. That's what happened to Matt, whose RV-List was THE RV resource at the time (late 90s.)

Scott, remember when somebody stuck one of the anti-JPI stickers on the front of their booth at Oshkosh? Took 'em a while to figure it out... I'll check my archives to see if I still have that graphic.
Another lost sale opportunity for JPI!

sprucemoose said:
I'm going to take this rare opportunity to agree with George ;) No RVer should ever buy from JPI after what they did to Matt. Imagine the response if some company tried to come in and strong-arm Doug and close down VAF WWW. That's what happened to Matt, whose RV-List was THE RV resource at the time (late 90s.)

Scott, remember when somebody stuck one of the anti-JPI stickers on the front of their booth at Oshkosh? Took 'em a while to figure it out... I'll check my archives to see if I still have that graphic.

And here I am currently trying to decide which engine monitor to buy. Chalk up another lost (potential) sale to poor reputation, JPI. How anyone can be so blind as to drive away potential buyers of what is essentially a commodity product is beyond me.
No JPI for me

I'm glad I read this post. I was considering a EDM900 for my panel when I get to that point but not now.

Thanks for the awareness.
Update on my current situation:

My A&P offered to call the tech at JPI who suggested returning the sender to find out they won't refund me on the part. He was put on hold by the receptionist for 15 minutes. When she finally picked back up, she said the tech was on a break and that he should call back later. No offer to take a message or anything. With that type of customer service, I can't see how they ever have any repeat customers.
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:mad: Just got the final word from JPI. They will NOT be refunding my money on the sender. Apparently, their warranty is worthless. I'll never spend another nickle with them, and if the instrument fails again I'll throw it in the trash and buy an EI (like I should have in the first place). :mad:
Get your old sender back!

CraigH@KRPH said:
:mad: Just got the final word from JPI. They will NOT be refunding my money on the sender. Apparently, their warranty is worthless. I'll never spend another nickle with them, and if the instrument fails again I'll throw it in the trash and buy an EI (like I should have in the first place). :mad:

If you paid for the new sending unit then the old sending unit is still yours. You said that you sent it back as a core, didn't you? I would call them and insist that they either send you your money or the old unit. Afterall, you have now paid for both.

sprucemoose said:
I'm going to take this rare opportunity to agree with George ;) No RVer should ever buy from JPI after what they did to Matt.

I've been a lurker on the RV list on-and-off since 1996 and have heard the story several times. I will take this opportunity to agree with both of Jeff's points above. :cool:


Also going to borrow Stein's disclaimer (the above message represents my opinions only, and the statements made are the actions as I remember them. The above message is not intended as representation of factual personal opinion only)!
RV8N said:
If you paid for the new sending unit then the old sending unit is still yours. You said that you sent it back as a core, didn't you? I would call them and insist that they either send you your money or the old unit. Afterall, you have now paid for both.

They offered to return the old unit, but since it has an intermittent problem it won't do me much good. Besides, I only need one. I told them to keep it, and will be taking the matter up with my credit card company.
I bought EI because of this and couldn't be happier...

the units and customer service are second to none. I received the wrong unit once that was drop shipped and when I called EI they agreed to overnight the correct unit and paid for shipping back the return unit even though the mistake was with the original vendor which ordered the wrong one. The only other "problem" I had was the new units use LED's for backlighting which is brighter than the older incadecent backlights I has on some of my older units, again they overnight shipped a replacement and paid for the return shipping. When I've called them they are prompt, curtious and a pleasure to deal with. Any future engine instument purchases will definatley be EI.
CraigH@KRPH said:
They offered to return the old unit, but since it has an intermittent problem it won't do me much good. Besides, I only need one. I told them to keep it, and will be taking the matter up with my credit card company.

That's probably your best bet. Tell them the whole story and that you want to dispute the charge. Be insistent and polite and you may get your refund yet. If your credit card company refunds your money then JPI will be paying the money back like it or not.
Booo on JPI

gmcjetpilot said:
JP has may have good stuff but they slapped a lawsuit on RV'er and supporter Matt at Matronics (fact). They really did some heavy handed things to him in my opinion. Aviation is a small industry and you can't treat people like that. May be cut throat law suits are fine in other industries but Matt was an innocent, and their suite was malicious and based on some weak grounds, in my opinion. They, JP, basically felt like they owned the word SCAN or SCANNER or some nonsense like that. JP has a history of suing others (fact). Matt asked the RV web list group, in a nice and humble way, what we thought. He was threatened again by JP for talking about it (fact). Matt changed the name of his product. JP later released a product with a similar name, note later.

I would not buy anything from JP, ever. If you read JP ads, they are brutal against their competition (EI, GEM), which leaves a bad taste in my mouth; although they have toned that down a bit. They may have the greatest and best product in the history of aviation instruments but still will not deal with them. [The previous comments are my opinions only and take full and sole responsibility for them and believe they are factual and correct to the best of my knowledge.]

I got directly involved in this issue several years ago. Feeling bad for Matronics owner Matt Dralle, I wrote a letter to JPI telling them how I felt about their monopoly over the word "scan." I questioned why they brought suit against Matronics, but not against the large manufacturer of the FloScan sending unit. The basis of their legal action was trademark infringement by Matronics for using the word "scan."

I was shocked when I received a nasty letter from the CEO of JPI; telling me that our country was governed by laws and not by popular opinion. I informed him via telephone that I would never buy one of his instruments again, not for my own airplane or the other aircraft that I was responsible for at my place of employment. I scanned the letter I had received and sent it to someone on the Matronics list that had asked to see it, and within days it was it all over the Internet.

After this episode, I installed all new Electronics International equipment in my RV-8 when I completed the airplane. After a year or so, I decided to upgrade my panel and install a new EI MVP-50 engine monitor. After dealing with EI on a regular basis, I can tell you first hand that the support, technical advice and basic customer service is second to none at Electronics International. To be certain, I will not hesitate to buy from EI again in the future.

I have recently become aware that JPI sued EI twice over the same issue (use of the word "scan") as Matronics. The CEO of JPI seems to be a really pushy guy that simply brims over with arrogance. EI's owner has established a long standing reputation of good buiness practices that illustrate good ethics. That's very nice feeling to have when dealing with any company.
Praise for EI

I used an EI capacitive fuel gauge in my plane and had problems originally with it. Not knowing if I had programmed it right or what the problem could be somebody from EI gave me his cell phone number so that whenever I made it out to the hanger even during off hours or on the weekend I could call him for help! I caught him on a Saturday during a kitchen remodel and he stopped what he was doing and talked me through my problem. First he figured out that I had the sendor/tranmitters? to far from the tanks to work. We hung up and I corrected this and then called him back. He was not put out by my calls and helped me program it over the phone. I would guess that he gave up about an hour on a Saturday to help me out. I have no experience with the other company being discussed, but why bother to take a chance with them. EI deserves our business for treating RV'ers this way.

Another company that has shown fantastic customer service and a good product is Trio Avionics. Trio treated me equally well when I called their office on a Saturday and left a message with a question. A few minutes later I received a call and was talked thru my issue. They have a great auto pilot and great service to boot. :D

I am the mechanic that installed the JPI unit. Here is my experience with JPI that I posted on another site.

I installed the JPI FS450 almost 2 months ago in a friends RV6. It wouldn't work at first. Many phone calls to JPI and troubleshooting it suddenly started working. I taxied the airplane to his hanger and it quit again, then it started working. I rigged a test lead to verify I had power on the transducer side of the wiring harness. I did. He flew it enough to get it calibrated and it quit again mid-flight. I checked voltage to the transducer and it was there. JPI sent me a tester to hook to the plug where the transducer goes. The reading on the instrument didn't match the instructions with the tester. Called JPI for two weeks. They had a message on their machine that they were having phone problems and to email questions. Sent 4 emails with no response. I finally got a hold of them and they said the instructions were wrong and the transducer was bad. They said they would not honor the warranty on the transducer if there was trash in it like teflon tape. Teflon tape on a fuel system is a no no in my book. I checked the gascolator and found no contaminants. JPI sent my buddy a new transducer for $110 which would be refunded when they got the defective one. I installed it and it worked as soon as I pressurized the system. No problem since. Never got a refund for the transducer sent back. My buddy called and JPI said the transducer worked fine and he wouldn't get his $110 back. This is after being on hold for 20 minutes. I called and was on hold for 15 minutes. Then the secretary told me they were on break and to call back in 10 minutes. I called back later and asked for the owner. He was on another line, did I want to call back? I asked if he could call me, you would think she had never heard of such a thing. Never got a call back. I called back and she said he hadn't been there today. I have dealt with manufacturers for many years and worked out all kinds of problems. I have never been treated like I have been by JPI. I will never buy or install any of their products.
JPI service does suck

I have never delt with these folks before and went into this open minded, I am an A+P/avionics guy and we are refurbing a 182 at work. It happens to have a EDM700. I needed some info about splicing the OAT wiring as its alumel chromel and I have been told in the past that you can not splice these. I got the front desk girl, very nice and prompt, she transfered me to someone who answered the phone like it was a good buddy of mine, then he figured out that I was not who he thought and put me on hold, I was on hold for 40 min by the time someone picked up and tried to answer my questions. I swear I got the janitor. After "teaching" the tech support guy about his own manuals I determined that I wanted to buy some more "yellow" wire from them so that I can rewire the oat gauge, he sent me to the "sales" dept, after another 10 min hold I got someone who was suppose to send me a fax with the info I needed to order the wire. No fax ever came. I found a way to move the oat without rewiring.
I have spoken with many many tech support guys from alot of companies and this is the bottom of the barrel.
My RV will have none of their equipment. After reading every ones stories I guess mines pretty typical.

Although I haven't purchased my 8A yet, I have had an interesting experience with JPI. I bought and installed an EDM800 in my mooney and it works fine. However, when I received the unit it did not have the oil temperature probe with it. When I called them on it, they said it wasn't included. According to an advertisement in AOPA, it listed it as included. They argued with me on it and final made me fax them a copy of the ad (as proof) which realy ticked me off.

They're not people friendly, just in it for the money. They won't be getting any more of mine.

If you have a chance, go to JPI's website and check out they're message boards...

and I quote

customer question for EDM-800

"Wouldn't one expect to see 100% horsepower on take off under standard conditions? Mine reads around 85%."

next message....

"one would also expect a timely answer to the above question....hello JPI???...are you there?"

Take a look through their message's very entertaining.
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I also remember and participated in the online discussions when JPI sued Matronics. I also wrote to JPI, but never received the courtesy of a reply.

It's nice to announce that, after so many years, I stayed the course and AVOIDED buying ANY JPI products! Had they not been such jerks in that affair, I would gladly have considered their products. Instead, I spent my money elsewhere.

I stopped by their booth at Oshkosh a few years back and brought up that subject. The two guys at the JPI booth just looked at me when I said that I would never buy any JPI products and replied, "Oh well." Then, they turned away and waited for other customers (suckers).

Makes you wonder how they're still in business ...
Don't poke the bully dog

Webhead said:
According to an advertisement in AOPA, it listed it as included. They argued with me on it and final made me fax them a copy of the ad (as proof) which really ticked me off.

They're not people friendly, just in it for the money. They won't be getting any more of mine. rgds mark
You are lucky JPI did not sue you (the customer) for slander and mental distress. Weenies
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At least JPI web page and their promises looks pretty good. However things like this should make alarm clocks ringing:

I can't remember any company which would try to blame any other company like JPI is doing here. If their products would be so superior as they claim they wouldn't need to do anything like this. It is like their whole marketing would be based on comparing their products to EI products -- if for some reason EI wouldn't exist, how this company would market anything? :confused:

This ain't bad answer either from EI:

This not going to help Craig, sorry for that. :(
Update: My credit card issuer did issue me a credit on the sender, so at least I got my money back this time. However, I'm sure if my FS-450 ever goes TU my chances of having it repaired ar zilch!

Too bad about the whole situation. I really like the FS-450, but if the manufacturer won't stand behind their products they won't be getting anymore of my money.
Just to keep this balanced (absolutely not defending JPI), I have a EDM-700 and FS-450. Both have worked flawlessly for 400hrs. A couple of years ago I dropped my plane off at a paint shop and when I got it back 5 weeks later, some of the digits on the EDM-700 face plate weren't working. I called JPI and they said send it in. I did, and a week later I had it back, it was working perfectly, and no charge whatsoever. They had swapped out my face plate for a new one and even paid the shipping.

Go figure - Maybe I just got lucky.
Glad to hear the CC worked with you! Was it AMEX? They are the best.

After reading this thread, reading this off the JPI website seems downright laughable:

Nowadays, J.P. Instruments has added a whole line of reliable and cost effective aircraft instrumentation to its name. Among these are engine data management systems, fuel flow gauges, and GPS moving maps. Pilots and mechanics alike have come to know JPI for its high quality, good service, and utmost reliability.

We are committed to providing our customers with the absolute best products and service and we will go out of our way to make our customer's satisfied. Customer service has become one of the most important aspects of our business and we want you to know that.
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Customer service has become one of the most important aspects of our business
Heh, they have NO IDEA how important it has become, just not in a way that's good for them!
I was buillding an RV-9A at the time JPI unleashed their attack dogs on Matt and read copies of JPI's letters to Matt. There were no JPI products on that aircraft, there will be no JPI products on my current project-an RV10-and there will never be any JPI products on anything I have control of in the future. I will pass this attitude on to everyone everywhere.
Albert Gardner
Yuma, AZ