
Well Known Member
Fellow RV builder Joseph Bellamy and his parents were killed in a tragic crash today while landing a 172 at PIE airport in St. Petersburg FL.

Joe was building a RV 7A that started off as a slow build kit however he opted for the quick build fuselage after completing the tail and wings. I met him about two years ago when he came to visit my project. I was supposed to go help him cut the openings in the fuse for the main gear legs.

Joe was a nice guy and 31 years old is way to young.

May everyone keep Joe and his family in your prayers.
I had the pleasure of meeting Joe at the Whitted airshow a few months ago. I had been trying to make time to head down and help him with his project over the past few weeks, but didn't end up getting a chance to. It's a real shame. I also had put in a message last week to purchase a share of the 172 Joe happened to be flying. My prayers are with him and his family. It's quite a shock when tragedies like this hit so close to home.

Joe doing what he loved.

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I heard on Fox News about a 31 year old was killed along with his parents?
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Without trying to second guess what happened, and with all due respect to the family, and to those who knew him.

I think doing a "go around" at the first sign of any trouble is a maneuver we could all practice more.

Let's be careful out there.
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Without trying to second guess what happened, I think doing a "go around" at the first sign of any trouble is a maneuver we could all practice more.

Completely agree. I think very few of us keep going around in our minds as the first response to trouble.

There was another article about Joe's accident today. While the majority of the comments (below the article) are from friends and family, some of the people who choose to share their "thoughts" in this situation make me sick.

What a horrible tragedy. I'm sad to say I never got the chance to meet Joe. Way too young.

Prayers & heartfelt condolences to all.