... we dedicated that brick and gave Jon a Gone West toast...

In July 2018 I flew with my friend in his RV9A to Cold Lake, Alberta, and we had the privilege to see Jon perform his routine as a Redline member. Saw him again at Ohskosh the following week.

I just realized he had passed away just a couple of months after the show. My condolences to friends and family.
Thanks for organizing the tribute Scott! Sorry we missed the toast but we definitely found the tile and reflected on Jon and his friendship!
When I bought my first RV John provided hours of assistance and advice. Can?t say enough good about him.
Great guy and greatly missed.

I don't know who has the original Vimeo thing that Jon and another did many years ago.

To the soundtrack of Angels and Airwaves.

Red plane and Blue plane messing about.

Isn't a finer tribute and if it can be resurrected and posted on Youtube or Vimeo, a lot of Guys and Gals will be enthused and inspired.

I was in London at the time, and me and my Co pilot had a toast right along with you guys!!! What a great tribute, and I LOVE the brick.