
Well Known Member
:) Hi Guys,
Anyone been able to get a hold of Jon Johanson? I would like to buy one of his plenums but can't get a reply to my e-mails.

I was able to e-mail him once. I don't recall the details, but the cost was eye watering and forgot about that idea. I also recall they changed their web site address awhile back. Do you have it? My "main frame" is down (my desk top with a sick hard drive). The info is on that. I might have the drive restored tomorrow if you need the web address. G
Thank you George,
If your main frame gets back on track if you could send me the new link I would appreciate it.
I must have his old one I have not been able to reach him.
I've just got off the phone from Jon. I just ordered an instrument through him. He is travelling at the moment which is why email responses are a bit slow. As I recall it the plenum was around AUD$1,000 so about $750 US. Reasonably expensive up front but less maintenance in the long run i udnerstand. But talk to him direct about such things. Not sure whether I'll go down the plenum chamber track myself yet.

Ken Stanton
Doing 10 things at once on QB wings and fuse
make your own

For $750 you can make your own with a little sheet metal and fiberglass.

You can go all glass, composite metal and glass design or if you are good with metal all aluminum. Example of metal plenum

Using Van's stock baffle kit as a base. The top of the plenum can be metal or glass. The transition can be easly made with glass, but some have used metal very nicely. You could go also go all glass if you want, including the sides.

If you modify your cowl with the round metal rings, transition from cowl to plenum is easy with round flex ducts (made of neoprene i.e. wet suite material). Rectangular inlets are a little harder to seal.

Some other all metal examples:

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