
Well Known Member
5 years and six months. She is flying better today than on her maiden flight. Returning to OSH next week to visit her friends. Hopefully will see many of you there too.

Congratulations Brent! Great milestone! How many RVs have visited the places your 12 been? :)

Vlad, how many hours now on your RV-9A ? I was most impressed by your trip to AK and the video's of it... fantastic trip, bucket list material.
Good job Brent and congrats! I have enjoyed your videos and did a similar tank service earlier this like you needed to do. Your post about it helped me proceed without concern.

I hope we might cross paths in our Rvs someday. Safe flying

Congrats! What a huge accomplishment!! To many, many more problem free flight hours in your future. Looking forward to Osh'19!
Hey Brent! I saw you a couple months ago landing at Sky Manor.. I think I was there having lunch. Nice paint.