There were some postings about Cubs and RVs having weekend camping trips to Johnson Creek later in June. Anyone have any current information on that? My son and I are planning to fly out there for one or the other or just to camp.
Just a thought...

I was thinking just yesterday while reading a magazine article about a certain movie star and pilot, (and who has a new movie out this week), that he might fly/taxi his green and yellow de Havilland Beaver into camera view at Johnson Creek. Wouldn't that be a hoot?
He apparently enjoys flying into the remote strips of Idaho. He says he enjoys flying into small airports and talking to people just like an average pilot. I'm wondering if he's ever flown an RV. If he ever flies one, I'm willing to say he'll probably want to build/buy one.
P.S. If you don't know who I'm talking about, here's the hint: His recent movie character is NOT named "Illinois Smith" but something kinda similar. ;)
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JC bunch of the people on this forum are going to be there...
June 18-22 some North TX RVers planing to be there.
I plan on going in Shooter, my Super Cub
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Be there early

My wife and I are flying the -6 out to CA from Cincinnatti leaving on the 14th. We will be at the Big Creek Lodge on the night of the 16th. Maybe see some of the early birds at JC!'re late. Aircraft have been operating out of JC for over three weeks. Campers, too, last weekend on the north side (behind the cam). The airfield wintered over in good shape, but with all the lower story brush cut away by fire crews, the camp area has a much more open feel.

The really good news is Cody and Gene Hargett are back for a caretaking encore. The yo-yos hired as their replacements last season washed out even before the fires shut things down. Yet another couple for this year had to bail with sudden medical problems. The Hargetts were available, thank goodness.

Take Gene some dark chocolate; Cody prefers milk chocolate.

What flavor Two Buck Chuck would you like this year?

John Siebold
Boise, ID