
Well Known Member
I want to go into Johnson Creek in September in my RV6A, is this a problem? Is the grass to high and lush normally in September for the landing and takeoff to be safe? I'm worried about the nose gear on a soft field landing.
Johnson Creek is basically grass growing on solid flat rock. I can't imagine it ever being soft, even if the grass is tall and wet. I've landed on it a few times in mid June 2013 and 2014 and it's smoother than many paved runways Ive landed upon.

I'm planning on going there again this June, the week before the Supercub Fly-in.
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Be aware that the September nights are cold up there. We camped there in September and temps dropped into the teens at night. The caretakers usually turn off the water in Mid September. Days are great though.
The field is soft just after snow melt for two weeks. It's firm now. Grass is never long as the caretakers mow it and growth stops in September after they pull out. You will have water until ID Transportation shuts the facilities down in later September.

There is bunch grass here and there, especially at the top end. It causes the short-coupled A's to pitch and buck ungainly during taxi; never heard of it damaging anything.

Bring Matt with you.

John Siebold
Boise, ID
Johnson Creek

Thanks Gentlemen, I was a little worried that the grass might get to long and be a problem. I do know that the nose wheel is just for taxi. We are fortunate to have a light airplane and we can hold the nose wheel off the ground until about 35 or 40 knots. We hope to get to Johnson Creek right after Labor Day if there aren't to many fires.
... Not a problem for your airplane! Grass is always mowed and groomed. We will be going up again this year on 5/18, 19, 20, and 21st. for the super cub & carbon cub meet. We really love it there and will go every chance we get. Thanks, Allan :D
Myself and my friends are planning to be there the week of June 15th and leaving for home probably Thurs or Fri.