
Well Known Member
On Friday Bekah and I flew in my -7 alongside Scott Stewart and son in his -7 to Johnson Creek. We left Seattle at 4 and made it to JC in just over 2 hours for a quick overnight camp trip. The evening arrival made for some great shadows up and down the canyon. With the GoPro on the wing I caught a really great video as I flew the ?recommended? approach procedure for Johnson Creek. The trip gave me a new respect for video?s and stories about Johnson Creek. I was much more shocked than I expected when I turned the corner at Yellow Pine and got my first look up that canyon. All went well and we had a great time.

Here is the direct link to the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qz3nlXRxy8Y

Here is a link to my blog for trip write up, pics, and the video: http://www.704ch.com/2014/09/johnson-creek.html
Yeah, even your video makes those mountains seem smaller and that valley wider than it really is. Great job. I didn't do a downwind my first time. I just flew the long final from Yellow Pine.
Yes, I learned that the wide angle lens on these cameras not only makes the scenery look further away, it also changes the whole aspect of the canyon. All the videos out there on JC make the canyon look wider and the mountains shallower than they really are. Seeing it in person was a bit surprising to me.