
Well Known Member
Who's planning to be there?

If the weather guesser gets it half right, it should be a stunningly beautiful weekend.

Also, Supercubs are having a get together.

John Siebold
Boise, ID
Hi John,

It's not looking too good for us right now. Too many expenses this month plus the the current price of go juice.

If I sell my Garmin 196 I might reconsider. But, on the remote chance that we're able to go at all, we won't be able to fly up until Saturday.
Green Grass

I see from the webcam that Gene mowed the lawn. Looks nice.

Just as a point of reference I was at the Smiley Creek Fathers day fly-in this weekend, The weather was beautiful (although cold at night) and there were 90 planes that showed up which was apparently a record.
50/50 Right Now

There is a very good chance we will be there Saturday morning. Sounds like it might be very busy up there but that would also make it fun, lots of planes to look at.

Looks like the days will be around 65 deg. and nights at 36 deg.