
Active Member
Hi, My ? is, do we need a joggle tool to do the inspection access holes. I know on my cert. plane they just bend the edge of the plate but I'm thinking that I want to recess mine and the joggle tool will do this. Do the holes come joggled or do we have to do it? I'm guessing we do it. Also I noticed a nice joggle tool in may sport aviation mag. on page 27 by noahcorp, it looks like a nice tool, what have you guys/gals done for access plates/holes? And is there a particularly supperior tool? I have to confess I get as much of a kick out of getting the tools as building the RV, I hug them and pet them and call them George, old cartoon where that big dog does that. I broke a rib at work last monday and the meds are really powerful, grounded till I can sleep without the meds. I'm usually not this wierd. Gene
Most all the inspection holes are joggled on the more recent kits.
In the old days we had to add another piece of metal on the back side of the hole to add the joggle. We didn't receive "skins". We received sheets of aluminum to make the "skins" from.
Most all the inspection holes are joggled on the more recent kits.
In the old days we had to add another piece of metal on the back side of the hole to add the joggle. We didn't receive "skins". We received sheets of aluminum to make the "skins" from.

I know that RV3 and RV4 builders had to mine their own buxite and smelt their own aluminum. I'll bet you had to walk 9 miles, up hill (both ways), in the snow (in June) bare foot to school, when you were a boy! :rolleyes: We are not worthy!
My RV guru, Jody Edwards (RV4) called my pre-punch 8A kit, THE GIRL'S KIT. What would he call the new matched hole kits???
Charlie Kuss
I know that RV3 and RV4 builders had to mine their own buxite and smelt their own aluminum. I'll bet you had to walk 9 miles, up hill (both ways), in the snow (in June) bare foot to school, when you were a boy! :rolleyes: We are not worthy!
My RV guru, Jody Edwards (RV4) called my pre-punch 8A kit, THE GIRL'S KIT. What would he call the new matched hole kits???
Charlie Kuss
Nope, only 2 miles, and no snow. BTW, What's snow?