
doug reeves: unfluencer
Staff member
"Van's regrets to announce the death of our friend and colleague Joe Blank after a courageous struggle against cancer. He was 59. Joe worked for Van's since 2006 in builder support and IT administration, and was a highly regarded employee here. He completed an RV-6 in 2004, and flew it extensively, as well as indulging his other interests of sky-diving and mountain biking. He was especially enthusiastic about formation flying as part of the West Coast Ravens, and became Van's go-to pilot for our air-to-air photo shoots. He'll be greatly missed, not only here, but also by the many customers whom he met or assisted over the years. Our condolences to his wife Trish and son Jamie. "

Blue skies, Joe


Too young to be taken like this..............

Reno BBQ a couple years back.


Homecoming ------ just after helping Cathy/Slasher/Weeble with formation intro.

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This was one post I was really hoping NOT to see.

Joe was a great help in countless ways on my project, and we enjoyed many wonderful chats while visiting the factory. He will be missed..... :(

RIP and eternal blue skies, Joe!
Very Sad!

... I will miss this gentleman very much. He was a real asset to
the RV community, and was always a joy to see and talk with.
Rest in peace Joe, and we will see you soon.:(
Our condolences as well. Joe was a great guy, and a respected member of the Van's family.
God Speed Joe--
Tom and Suzanne

Joe was a good man and a good friend. Big loss to the RV community. I will miss him.

Very sad to see this, last year he gave my son and I a tour of Van's. My sincere condolences to his family.
Joe - you will always be my "lead". I am very disheartened with this news. I had hoped I would have one more chance to see you, but I know your in a better place. Teach those Angels a thing or two about formation flying, friendship, and caring. They need a lead too.

One of the best people I ever flew with. I am very sorry to see you go, but I will carry the memories of our times together.

As you would always say; "Blue Skies".

Incredibly sad to hear! Joe was incredibly helpful throughout our 5 year build. He was always happy to answer the phone and answer whatever questions were thrown his way. He conducted all of our EAA Tech Inspections and offered suggestions and advice on many occasions. I work and fly out of Aurora and would frequently stop buy Van's just to shoot the breeze with Joe. When I asked him to do our first flight, he was approached it with the utmost professionalism. Joe loved Van's, the experimental community, and being incredibly active outdoors.

Joe was a great friend and I am deeply saddened by his loss. He will truly be missed by those of us around Aurora and the entire RV community.

Joe on final approach after conducting the first flight in our -7 in May 2015.

Successful first flight.
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I'm very sad to hear this. I just met Joe about a year ago, and was looking forward to getting to know him better. One of the nicest people I've met. Very genuine and approachable.

My condolences to his family.
In August 2010 my son and I took the mothership tour before starting our RV-7A build. Joe was our host. He made an immediate impression on me as a fantastic representative for the Van's company and homebuilding, and the demo flight .... well, I'll never forget it nor Joe.

Fair skies and tailwinds, Joe, you are deeply missed.
Joe Blank (Shadey)

Rest in Peace Joe (Shadey)

Joe was a great ambassador for Van's Aircraft, but also was part of our nationwide formation community, serving as Wingman for awhile and then upgrading to Flight Lead at a Madera Clinic. I had the pleasure of evaluating him there, and as usual he surpassed expectations. Since then he has served the Northwest formation community superbly.

Joe was a great guy who will be missed by all of us.

Condolences to Trish, family, and the VAF community.
Very sad day...

Shadey will be dearly missed by thousands of folks. Joe gave his personal phone number to a lot of people in the RV community. We often called or sent texts to Joe during non-working hours when we had questions regarding RV's. Joe always helped.

Joe was very passionate about formation flying. It was always great to see Joe at the formation clinics or major formation events. Joe flew in the 49-ship formation over Arrowhead Stadium in KC and the 50-ship formation over the Phoenix Raceway. We not only lost a great friend, but also a member of our family.

Rest in peace my friend,

Joe will be missed but his influence will continue to fly for decades. Rest In Peace brother Joe. You are one of us.

F*** Cancer.
Miss you buddy,,,

Blue Skys my friend, blue skys,,,

I'll miss you Joe.

You where not only the one who took me under your wing (literally & figuratively), you where also a beacon of inspiration to me.

Our friendship over the years has been deepened by the bond of flight we share. I'm forever in your debt. You'll forever be by my side buddy. Each time I pull up alongside another plane in a formation, there will be your calm happy voice of encouragement within me saying "wiggle your toes and do that pilot S$*#."

As much as one man can love another man in friendship, I'll miss you my friend.

Blue Skys "Shady"

Rob "Rotor"

Joe gave me one of my very first RV rides and was always pleasure to catch up with every year. He will be missed by many :(

Sad day indeed. Far too young. God must need him.
Condolences to family and clesr skies forever.
I cannot express what sad news this is. Joe was one of my favorite RV people ... gracious, accomodating, knowledgable .... ever the gentleman and a perfect ambassador for Van's Aircraft. He will be missed by thousands.

Blue skies, Joe ... you will ever be in our memories.
I never met Joe, nor had any conversation with him, but my first reaction to seeing his photo in this thread is far too young to be taken.
He looked so young, but also happy in the photos.
Seems to have been a life well lived, which is some comfort.
Rest in peace.
I also never met Joe, but his name was very familiar. I remember his all too recent post here when he said he was retiring due to illness. Sincere condolences to his family and friends.
I never had the pleasure of meeting Joe however I did speak with Trish on many occasions while upgrading my advanced flight systems equipment. We talked about Joe and his passion for formation flying as it is something I enjoy also.
God bless Trish and family
A very sad day for the RV community.

Ryan Bendure
Very sad

Sad day for sure! I always enjoyed visiting with him when I would see him on any of my many trips to Van's. 59 years old, in great shape, life's not fair:(

Joe "shady"

I recall our conversation at OSH with beers under the smiley face balloon. It started out as max HP, weight and design limits for the RV-14. I couldn't resist poking the Vans engineer into a conversation about 6 Cylinder lyc for the 14. Of course he held his ground and came back with the pizza and pizza box analogy to design limits. " That box room you are given, don't go outside off it - leave some for the engineer. Put your own cheese and toppings but don't let the crust and pepperoni over flow within the box that was given." something like that... The the conversation goes back to our shared passion- Formation flight with the RV.
I will really miss this Man. Words can not express.....

Blue Skies Shady
Tremendously sad day for us all. Joe could always put a smile on my face and talk me down from the ledge when I called in with problems. My deepest condolences to his family, Vans and the entire RV community. We lost a great one.
I feared this day would come sooner than it ever should. Joe was a great friend, even though we lived in different parts of the country. He was always friendly, always had a laugh. Teh highest time RV-1 pilot of the "modern era", he loved flying. The first time I visited Van's a few years ago, I'd been flying Van's airplanes for years - and Joe said "what do you want to take up?" I said "well technically, I don't qualify for a demo ride...right?" He wanted to fly...."I won't tell if you don't!"

I think it was OK - Van dropped by the hangar as we were getting ready to fly a -12 ,and didn't raise an objection.

We'll miss ya' man!

I was looking forward to meeting him. I could just sense from his presence in the RV world that he was a first class guy. Even though I never met him I extend my sincere sympathy to his family and friends.
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A great friend, an awesome pilot and a formation Bro...and just plain one of the Good Guys. Joe battled cancer his way, with strength, honor and dignity. George "Cipher" Ford, his wife Lori and I spent some time with Joe and Trisha this past Sunday, sharing a few stories and several chuckles and smiles. Many in the RV/VAF family and the RV formation family have done so over the past weeks, and he knew he was surrounded by love. Tailwinds and Blue Skies flight home.

RIP, Joe. I will treasure all the build advice you've given me over the years, and our trip together to the Madera Formation Clinic this year. Blue Skies my friend. I will truly miss you.

Blue Skies and Better Days


I remember Joe for his dry humor and "Let's do it!" enthusiasm. Like many
meeting him for the first time, I immediately thought of him as a friend.

I remember the day of the final inspection on Joe's RV-6. He was running
around like a kid on his birthday, eager to share the experience with his
family (photo above).

I remember when Joe was an excited newbie formation flier. We would fly
2-ship practice hops when none of the other guys could come out to play.

I remember when Joe quit his corporate job to become the "New Guy on
Phone" at Van's Aircraft. Over time Joe became an important public face for
the company. He was smart, friendly, and approachable and went a long
way toward filling the shoes of the late Bill Benedict.

I remember Joe leading half of a 24-ship formation to a perfect show-center
crossing at the Madera clinic. As a leader he was always urging us toward a
higher standard of safety and precision; but he never forgot that we were
there to "Have Fun!"

I remember when Joe announced his cancer diagnosis to the formation
family with the words "Fight's On!" Though it eventually took his life, it
never changed his spirit.

I hope to always remember Joe for the example he set and most of all for
his friendship.

Blue Skies Joe!

-Dan Benua
Hillsboro, OR

I can remember when Joe was a "newbie" guy hanging around the builder's group meetings soaking up all the tricks and techniques, then finishing his beautiful plane, and becoming a valuable member of Van's team, and after we started the NW FF group, Joe wanted in -- and became a much more accomplished FF pilot than me and most if not all of the others in the group. And he did it all with a relaxed easy way that belied his skill, professionalism and discipline.

I feel privileged to have been able to sit with him at his home just a few hours before he "went west", reminiscing about building our -6s and formation flying and camping at the Alvord desert and all the rest. Or I reminisced anyway, don't know if he could hear me but I like to think he could.

Goodbye Joe, you will be missed.
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Had the pleasure to talk to and exchange emails with Joe early on my empennage build. Always had a way of answering your dumb questions without making you feel dumb. My condolences to his family.
I first met Joe at the factory when he took me up for a demo ride in the RV-8A many years ago. After my ride, he also took my nervous, non-pilot wife up for a ride. I was hoping she'd like it as I already had a lot invested at that time. I don't know what he said to her, but it worked. When they landed she said, "Hurry up and get it finished". Joe was a fine gentleman and aviator. May he rest in peace.
During the couple of years before I was officially hired, I would spend some time at the Van’s booth at Sun & Fun and OSH getting to know the “guys” and helping where I could. It was kind of an audition I suppose. That’s where I first met Joe. With his passion for flying RVs hangin’ out there for all to enjoy and his infectious positive attitude, we became friends very quickly. My most vivid of memories is of him sitting behind the counter at OSH in 2008. I remember the year because that was my first official OSH as an employee. As I walked into the tent my first day, he stood up, stuck out his hand and said, “Hi Mitch! I am sure glad you’re here.” Wow, I thought to myself. He must really think I’m going to be a help. Not so. He followed with “Now I’m not the new guy anymore.” I would later find out what that meant.

That was Joe. A straight up guy with never a cross word for anybody. The only time I ever heard him say a foul word was when talking about his cancer. Even then, he took the attitude that he and Trish were going to beat it. I never doubted it and if anyone could do it, it would be them. But obviously God has another plan for him and for that I am truly grateful.

We emailed a bunch in the last few months about the impending. Even with knowing the ultimate outcome, he accepted it without bitterness. Our final exchange was just before he entered hospice. I asked him that if he should make it to heaven before me, please be there to welcome me again when I show up. I’ll be the “new guy” once more.

His last line to me was “Love ya man.” We all love you Joe.

Now have some fun with your new set of wings. I bet they've got some wild form flying up there.
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Terrible loss

I never met him in person, but Joe was always helpful and friendly to me on the phone. Blue skies Joe

He gave me a demo ride in the RV-14A and a factory tour about 13 months ago. What a great day that was for me. He was a class act all the way. I gave him a Boeing hat, but he insisted on making it a trade, not a gift. Today, I will wear the Van's hat in his memory.

I was looking forward to getting to know him better, but I will have to settle for looking him up at his new address.

RIP, Joe.
As someone else so profoundly said..." There really are no words." Doesn't seem right that good people are taken from us way too soon.


The flight I had with Joe around six years ago at Van's sealed the deal for me building an RV-7A. Joe was very congenial and professional in demonstrating the aircraft and giving me a chance to experience the flying qualities of the airplane. My condolences go out to his family in this very difficult time.


Building an RV-7A
dues pid for 2016
I was not fortunate enough to be called a friend of Joe's.
Our casual run-ins at Van's Sun n Fun booth were all I had.

It is hard to lose a friend. I lost one this very day to the same disease and i feel as sad as everyone here.

To Joe's friends, I say you were the lucky ones.

Blue Skies to Joe and my friend Gerald.
Rest In Peace Joe


I met Joe at the Copperstate fly-in back in 2014. He was a standup guy. He was speaking to some people inside the Van?s tent but made time to come out and speak with me and my wife about the RV14. I took this picture for my boss (who also knew Joe) to prove that I was there and met Joe. I am shocked to learn that only two years later he?d be gone. What a loss. May he rest in peace. My thoughts and prayers go out to his family, friends and those closest to him here on VAF.