
Well Known Member
Before I started building my F4 Raider I spoke to a special builder named Jim Winnings. What a great source of information on RV building and, more specifically, cool modifications to the Fredrick F1/F4 Rocket build. We spoke for half an hour or so and he reeled off several cool modifications that he's done to the airplanes he built that made them better. a bell crank mod that improved stick feel, shortening the titanium gear legs, etc.

I didn't keep notes. Wish I had. Jim died suddenly soon after and we never spoke again. The posts here about him are all positive and say he was a great guy and a genius in new ideas to improve his airplanes.

My question is this. does anyone know if Jim ever wrote down his various modifications anywhere? He told me specs to turn down the titanium gear legs (to reduce the springing effect) and to shorten them, but I don't recall those numbers. He had many ideas for the RV4 as well that may be of interest to those owners and builders.
I own Jim’s Rocket in N.C. Anyone is welcome to come out and look and even pull panels if needed. I think however all the information is available via the F1 Rocket newsletters and the new F1 web site. There is also some information to be found here.
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Clarification for Mark

Rocket Bob is a close friend of Jim Winings. Jim referenced Bob?s knowledge and their discussions often. I am suggesting Bob may have the most comprehensive recall of Jim?s thoughts and actions regarding his Rocket.
Jim and I were friends for over 25 years. Miss him dearly.

email me rocketbob at gmail com to discuss.