
Well Known Member
I have been trying to call and e-mail Jim Pappas for some time now and get no response. Anyone know how to get in touch with him or know why he doesn't respond? I have his number as listed to the left of this forum.

Bob Kelly
I gave up

I tried reaching him for about 2 months, and finally gave up. I only heard back from him once by email stating that he was ill and would get back to me within a month. That was quite a few weeks ago, so I moved on. I hope he's allright, but I would certainly seek out other quotes.
No contact

I've had the same problem two phone messages, none returned. What if I had a claim? :confused:
Personally, I'm more worried about Jim than anything else. He's a good guy. (Oh wait, he gave me a prvt phone number ...what'd I do with that. I'll try to find it and call him and see how he's doing)
A Thousand Pardons kind sirs!?


I feel I need to make a group apology for my tardiness in returning all the emails and calls the past few months.

I am guilty as charged and have no excuse other than not being able to get fully caught up after being in the hospital in late March.

I know that has been a while now but a little background if you please...

I was "sick" for about 6 weeks before ending up in the hospital for a week and almost dying in the process followed by two weeks of rest at home and then finally getting to try to come back full time after a month away from the office.

Please understand I am not a large brokerage with lots of employees, it's just little ol me. That's good and bad I guess. You get to talk to me and no run around, normally. I don't do this to make a living, I have another job, I do this for my fellow RV'ers so they have another option. I was asked to do it by early members of this site.

Then came the illness and once I got out I had hundreds of emails and calls to return. Some I simply replied to and asked politely if they were still interested a month later. Some were, some weren't. All were polite - RV'ers what would you expect :rolleyes:

I have been catching up but some I have simply missed, got too far behind and may never be able to try again. I understand again a thousand apologies but I am only one guy and I'd like to survive to go to OSH and maybe someday fly my RV7A there with the rest of you.

If I missed you, again I am sorry. If you still want to try, for now email is back up and the best option. The phone is still tough cuz if I return a call and two more come in I can't answer all three at once.

I'll understand if you can't wait and again I'm sorry there aren't more of me, but then again that's why my RV buddies asked me to do our stuff anyway wasn't it? Because there are so few that take care of us?

Be well all and hope I don't get too flamed for the apology and the lack of follow up the last few months.

Thanks to all that wished me well too.


Got your reply to my PM. Understand your problem. Hey, I waited a year for a Catto prop, and I didn't bug him (too often anyway.) Do what you can but I am in kind of a hurry. Thanks!

Bob Kelly
Thanks guys

Thanks guys I'm getting there. At least I'm back 100% physically now.

It's very cool to know that when you go down there are people you never met, except here, that really do care about you.

I promise, I'll get caught up soon.

Thanks again.
