
Well Known Member
It is really starting to take shape and look like an aircraft structure. The plans are great. Every time I think that I found an error, it turns out that I did not read them correctly. Read every word of an instruction and understand it in your mind before you do a task. It will save you some head scratching time. Ask me how I know. For the latest pictures, go to: http://picasaweb.google.com/JimCone1941/RV12Construction102408#

Thanks for these pics. Although I am building a 7, I think it would be a blast building one of them 12's.

Your pics really tell the story of how well that thing is designed and that the guys in engineering really did some excellent work!

Who knows, the older I get the more medical issues that seem to always pop up. There may be a 12 in my future so I am paying attention!
Squeezing rivets in the 12

Same thoughts here...even though I am building a 7, I am following Jim Cone's 12 photo files with interest. (Don't tell the wife!)

Jim, I see a pneumatic squeezer and three manual squeezers. Could you tell us what squeezer sets or dies you have in each? Also, I think I see a lot of dimples and flush rivets in this series of photos. Can you tell us how many dimpled rivets there are? I may have mis-interpreted a photo. But "inquiring minds want to know..."

I guess I thought the RV-12 rivets were almost all pulled rivets.

Thanks for your photos,
Rivet squeezers

Same thoughts here...even though I am building a 7, I am following Jim Cone's 12 photo files with interest. (Don't tell the wife!)

Jim, I see a pneumatic squeezer and three manual squeezers. Could you tell us what squeezer sets or dies you have in each? Also, I think I see a lot of dimples and flush rivets in this series of photos. Can you tell us how many dimpled rivets there are? I may have mis-interpreted a photo. But "inquiring minds want to know..."

I guess I thought the RV-12 rivets were almost all pulled rivets.

Thanks for your photos,

I have three manual rivet squeezers and a pneumatic one. I have several yokes for each of them. I have lots of dies for them, including several that I have made myself or modified for specific tasks. One of them is slanted so that it will fit flush on both sides with the RV-7 rudder trailing edge assembly. Another is modified by grinding off the side of both the male and female dies to make it easier to dimple nutplates without crushing the screw receiver.

There are not many holes that need to be dimpled, but all of the nut plates and flanges for the nutplates need to be dimpled.
Thanks You

I will be following in your footsteps next year and really appreciate your words and the photos. I will use your pioneering efforts as an adjutant to the builder's manual.

Thanks very much to you for publishing your build pictures and words of wisdom and to Doug for providing the forum. An awesome resource for us all.:)