First we had the Sonex Jet, now the first twin Jet engine CRI-CRI.....
First flight last week at Serpentine, Western Australia.
Who will the first with a jet RV. Perhaps 2 sets of two mounted under the
wings on pods.
Cheers from Downunder,
There's at least one Jet Cri-Cri that flew several years before the SubSonex. Don't know where it is, but it's out there.
Back to RV's

I stand corrected about the Jet Cri-Cri ... maybe the first flight in the Southern Hemisphere. Anyway, back to RV's.
This was our Annual Fly-In with the theme, this year, on the "Home-Builder".
Best metal aircraft on field was Brian Holman's RV-6


Also predominant were the last three planes completed this year
RV-12 (Rob Melis)


RV-7A (Rob Montgomery)


Evo Rocket (Trevor Chadwick)


and finally for the child in us all... a steam tug!


Cheers from Downunder
Nice Canopy

Wow that canopy on the -6 looks great, shades of the T-18. Any links to more info on that?

Try it......

......With a Harmon Rocket. Two under each wing. Or two on center spar and two on the wings. I think it could handle it, why not use some power if your going to do it? Bring a whole new meaning to, "Fire Wall It."