
Well Known Member
I have never spray painted anything bigger than a lawn chair, but with the assistance of VAF I am painting my 14A before final assembly. Prior to starting this task, I was very apprehensive, much like building the fuel tanks. My anxiety over the fuel tank build was unwarranted and the painting process is turning out to be the same. Very doable with VAF research and the willingness to try.

I have some orange peel and want to use the method posted by Dan.

Will the Trizact P1500 clear coat sanding disk work on Jet Glo?
Yes the Trizact disk will cut Jet Glo, but it is very slow. I have seen videos of it used on clear coat and milky froth developed right away. Not so with Jet Glo.

You may want to talk with a SW rep. or aviation paint shop. It is my understanding that Jet Glo should not be buffed out. I would be interested in what you find out. I have some areas on my 14 year old Jet Glo paint that I would like to buff out but am hesitate to try it.
I have first hand experience with Jet-glo but do not consider myself an expert. The experts would tell you to sand down any of the imperfections you don't want and then respray. Most usually recommend a 2 or 3 step coat process. I painted a wheel pant once and had a very hard time eliminating the end, I sanded with fine grit (probably up to 1500 to 2000 grit wet) and then used rubbing compound to bring the gloss out. It is a lot of work to buff because the paint is so hard....but in the end, I had a nice, shiny smooth wheel paint. I think my biggest problem in the past was proper set up of my paint gun.....will try again and learn more in the future when I spray more Jet-glo.
According to a SW rep, Jet Glo can be buffed. It is a very hard coating so they recommend sanding with 400 and shoot again. I was using 15% of the 701 thinner (data sheet calls for 10%-15%) and getting a varied assortment of orange peel. The tech said to increase the thinner up to 50%. Sounds like I will transition from orange peel to run remediation.