
Well Known Member
What primer did you use under the Jet Glo? New construction, raw aluminum and fiberglass with West Systems epoxy filled pin holes.

On the fence between Concept and Jet Glo.

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Wanting to stay away from nasty chemistry at home, I've been shooting Jet Flex WR over Stewart Systems EcoPrime, and I'm very happy with the results. This is for interior surfaces only. I'll be paying a good paint shop to do the outside when the time comes.
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What primer did you use under the Jet Flex? New construction, raw aluminum and fiberglass with West Systems epoxy filled pin holes.

On the fence between Concept and Jet Flex.


Are you talking about the interior? Or the exterior? Those are two very different worlds, IMHO.

I used JetFlex water-based interior paint on the inside, and couldn't be happier with it. No fumes, no paint booth, fans, masks, or other equipment needed. I painted my interior parts before final assembly and riveting, and I'm glad I did it that way. My sprayer washes out and cleans up with warm water, and if you mess up a part when you're painting it, you can quickly wash it off and start over.

To answer your question, though, I've shot the paint over 2-part epoxy primer, rattle can SEM primer, bare aluminum, or over other paint. It works great over all of them, in my experience. JetFlex takes longer to cure. Give it several days to a week for a complete cure. But then you'll have a rock hard finish.
I mis titled this thread. Jet Glo conventional is what I am leaning towards on the exterior. I used Jet Flex WR over Akzo primer on the interior with great results.
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Exterior- Jet Glo conventional

I am thinking of CMO484900 primer. Finerglass parts have been skimmed with West Systems epoxy, is it necessary to use a surfacer on top of the primed fiberglass parts?
I use CM0483600 on all bare aluminum, and CM0560563 sanding primer on all fiberglass and over the top of the CM483600 for repair areas (body work) that require sanding.
Jet Flex

Where are good sources for the JetFlex? The lowest price I found was $160/Gal. :eek:

If you're shooting interior, it's doubtful you need a gallon.
I'm spraying parts before assembly and haven't burned up a quart ($57.00) yet. Mostly gray but some black. I will probably need another quart of gray to finish. The SB is pricey plus you have to have the catalyst and reducer.
There's a supplier list you can call around for best price.
Given that I'll be putting in interior formed panels, floor panels, etc. the exposed structure may be of a small nature. Perhaps the rattle can approach may suffice for me. Thanks, though.
JetFlex WR

Where do you guys buy JetFlex WR ?

Raw aluminum or any primer ?

I am thinking of using it for the interiors.
I just checked a few places and had the lowest price/qt. that I found. For a gallon Alliance Coatings was cheaper. It does seem to vary with color.