
While landing in Marsh Harbour, Bahamas last week I managed to overcome the nose gear leg's ultimate strength on my 6A. What to do in a remote airport in a foreign country??
That's when I remembered that Jesse Saint of Saint Aviation is in Florida and has been a frequent contributor on the forum. I called Jesse and he stayed late that night to take a gear leg and fork off one of his aircraft, added a new retainer bolt and then sent it with one of his pilots to West Palm Beach so it could be loaded on Bahama Air and sent to me the very next day. I was able to replace the gear leg and fly my 6A home the following weekend.

Words seem to be inadequate to thank Jesse enough. Jesse's help and professionalism was over the top! He willingly went so much further out of his way than I could ever have expected. He saved my vacation and eliminated the very high anxiety I felt thinking I might have to leave my plane out on the Island. Jesse even volunteered to come out and help do the replacement if need be.

Incredible kindness and concern from a person I have never met.
If you need service for your RV Jesse and Saint Aviation are in Florida just SW of Ocala at X35 - Marion Co airport. That kind of caring is very hard to find anymore.

Again - Thanks so much Jesse!

Tim Morris

... This is the type of story you here from fellow RVers that makes you glad to be associated with this great group of people. That effort from Jesse was definitely over the top. I only wish we were closer to Florida so he could rescue me..:D
That is flat amazing. Sure hope I dont bend a gear leg on the M2 away from home. They are like hens teeth.
Can you provide any details on what caused the nose gear problem? Was it a hard landing or ? Did you have any of the antisplat products installed? Just trying to determine if there are any key learnings from the incident.

Jesse's in the vacation saving business.

Jesse saved my vacation 2 years ago when I lost my 11 year old electronic ignition. He loaned me a mag and helped me install it so we wouldn't miss our trip to the islands. He's awesome.
Can you provide any details on what caused the nose gear problem? Was it a hard landing or ? Did you have any of the antisplat products installed? Just trying to determine if there are any key learnings from the incident.


...I am interested as well! Thanks, Allan...:D
Can you provide any details on what caused the nose gear problem? Was it a hard landing or ? Did you have any of the antisplat products installed? Just trying to determine if there are any key learnings from the incident.


No Antisplat installed - I ordered the Antisplat Nose job II today.

Winds were 50 degrees off the runway 15 gusting 25. I've landed in worse and this is well within the airplanes capability. Key elements were: thunderstorm clouds off the runway, too slow a reaction time adding power to go around. I had slowed till the nose gear dropped, got hit by a really big gust and was airborne in what seemed like a half second. Didn't get full power in till the aircraft was on the way down again. Bounced hard on the nose wheel and bent the leg. No prop strike, no engine mount damage, no firewall damage. Bruised airplane and ego. When the nose wheel touched I relaxed - critical mistake.
that airport is tricky even on a good day. it has claim a few airplanes, including a few airliners. winds are a factor even on a calm day.

bob burns
RV-4 N82RB
I have experienced the same level of care and attention from Jesse. He took me through the prolonged planning of my new panel not knowing if I would ever become a real customer. He did an amazing job of getting my panel installed and has been tireless in the occasional concerns that have occurred since. I have been a very happy customer and felt that it was worth the travel from the Midwest to have him do my panel update. I can heartily endorse him and his operation, as well.

Jesse has helped me too! Got to meet him one day and shake his hand. What is unbelievable is how far he is willing to go to help a complete stranger!
Can you provide any details on what caused the nose gear problem? Was it a hard landing or ? Did you have any of the antisplat products installed? Just trying to determine if there are any key learnings from the incident.


From the pictures I saw, the Nose Job would likely have saved the day. I believe Tim is now a believer in the benefit of the Nose Job. I know I am after it saved my plane on an off-field landing the other day.

It in his DNA he comes from a long Family line that spent their lives helping other people.Dont personally know Jesse but his reputation perceives him.