
I'm New Here
Yesterday I flew from my home base KBKV (Brooksville, FL) up to X35 (Dunellon) in my RV8A to get some of their cheap fuel. Just as I was turning to stop in front of the self serve pump, the seal in my right brake piston went out and it was a miracle I didn't end up hitting the fuel pump or barricades. After I finally got it stopped in the grass and saw what the problem was, I knew I was going to need some help. I had never met Jesse, but had read many of his posts here helping people with avionics questions, and remembered he was based at this airport. I went looking for him thinking he might be of some help, and he was more than I could have hoped for. He and one of his assistants dropped what they were doing and helped me get the plane to his hanger, and then proceeded to fix my blown out seal. I had been wanting to get up there and meet Jesse and talk avionics, but that wasn't my goal that day. I did, however, get to see a recently finished panel upgrade he did in an RV7A that made me want to drool. Jesse got me fixed up and on my way in about an hour. I can't believe how lucky I was not only to have avoided hitting something with my plane, but having the great fortune to have broken down a few hundred yards from Jesse's shop. When I need a panel upgrade or some other service Jesse provides in the future, you can be sure he's the first person I will contact!

Mike Belle
Mike, it was great meeting you, although I'm sorry it was under those circumstances. I've been in almost the same situation before and the right tools and parts can make a bad day into a good day. I'm glad we were able to help.