
Well Known Member
Has any Canadian installed the Jeppesen Data into their GRT HXr or Dynon .

What do you get, Airport frequencies, procedures, locations on the Map Screen ?

Is it the same as the Canadian Flight Supplement ?

Does it updated airspace, ie: Class "C" etc ?

Jeppesen db

I purchased my 7 with GRT HX & FAA databace loaded and when was flying from Toronto to montreal
Noticed wrong airspace when on final almost in all airports was not alighned with centrline in some cases 30 degrees off

Jeppesen db corrected the problem
I purchased my 7 with GRT HX & FAA databace loaded and when was flying from Toronto to montreal
Noticed wrong airspace when on final almost in all airports was not alighned with centrline in some cases 30 degrees off

Jeppesen db corrected the problem

Thanks for the update

GRT Jeppesen Obstacles database

So I went ahead and purchased the Navdata for my brand new GRT Sport Ex. Does anyone have an opinion on purchasing the Obstacles Database? Is the GRT provided database accurate for Canada as well as the USA? Thanks in advance!

Cheers, Sean
if you are flying VFR get it ones from Jepp I wouldn't trust one from FAA due to mu experience with Nav data

I fly to CLA4 often never see RV there

Hi Julian, RV-6 is in the hanger. Send me a PM next time and I'll give you the tour.

Cheers, Sean
I parked couple of times in Hangar
maybe you were away
Will let you know next time I am going there