
Well Known Member
Has anyone installed the new latch with the Classic Aero Interior?
Is the only change the 2nd hole in the latch?
Classic Aero has not updated their install instructions.
For instance does the idler pivot still used and go in the same position as the original set up?
Any guidance or pictures would be appreciated.
Have you asked Classie Aero? They likely have the best answers ... last I head they were working on an updated version that allowed for the JD Air latch but that was 6-8 months ago ...
From what I have heard, it is all sorted out and JDair has slightly modified his latch that will fit the Classic aero interior without any problem.
Have you asked Classie Aero? They likely have the best answers ... last I head they were working on an updated version that allowed for the JD Air latch but that was 6-8 months ago ...

I did and they don't. I always go to the supplier first. They can't help me. As mentioned before they have not updated their install instructions.
I asking for info from someone who has installed already. I know I am one of the first few to do this with the new latch handle and hoping to learn from someone who has already done this.

Has anyone installed the new latch with the Classic Aero Interior?
Is the only change the 2nd hole in the latch?
Classic Aero has not updated their install instructions.
For instance does the idler pivot still used and go in the same position as the original set up?
Any guidance or pictures would be appreciated.

Hi Glenn,

I guess I didn't answer your emails with the info you needed. The latch was modified TO LUKE'S EXACT SPECIFICATIONS. So, I believe it will work with Classic Aero's modified side panels for the 14. I know there are several 14's out there with this combination.

The second hole (the one farthest from the fuselage side) is the change that was made for the 14 and the CA interior. The inner hole is for all other purposes.
Hi Glenn,

I guess I didn't answer your emails with the info you needed. The latch was modified TO LUKE'S EXACT SPECIFICATIONS. So, I believe it will work with Classic Aero's modified side panels for the 14. I know there are several 14's out there with this combination.

The second hole (the one farthest from the fuselage side) is the change that was made for the 14 and the CA interior. The inner hole is for all other purposes.

Great. I’ll give it a try and report back.

I thought I heard that the templates were going to be updated for the 14, looking on the JD site I see the drawings are still dated years ago. Any word on updates?
Got them

I thought I heard that the templates were going to be updated for the 14, looking on the JD site I see the drawings are still dated years ago. Any word on updates?

I've got a set of templates and detailed instructions for the 14 but haven't uploaded them yet. Send me an email and I can send to you.