
Well Known Member
An email was channeled to me via secure network. It stated if I don't forward all my credentials within two days to a certain address I would never had a chance to touch down on a military concrete. And so I did in a big hurry not telling anyone. In a couple weeks I was clear to visit McGuire AFB with 36 other local bug smashers. The military conducted a Midair Collision Avoidance seminar and the brass approved a flyin.

Arriving aircrafts were split in 4 groups and each group received a time slot. I departed earlier and planned to intercept somebody by NYC.

I couldn't locate my target and flew to a VOR on top of which I relaxed for 15 minutes listening to the radio chat and waiting for my time slot.

McGuire Approach did a nice job lining all those little planes up for the runway. They called us small civilian aircrafts.

I landed long, exited almost by the parking ramp but military ground control stopped me right there and I was told to wait till all conga passes. Discipline.

Everybody was personally met and briefed by a flight crew member.

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We had a great variety of single engine aircrafts. There were several RVs.

An Ercoupe and a Piper Cub arrived in the last group.

The event was very well organized. The tours were sequenced and every group had an opportunity to attend and see everything. Photography was encouraged except inside the tower and RAPCON.

We were shuttled from place to place in an armored military vehicle looking like a school bus.

Inside the radar facility I asked a young controller how low can he see me in a certain area and he said 400 feet! Wow!

We were given a nice tour of a KC10 tanker.

Here Brent is checking if all maintenance tags are properly filled.


A self propelled tool box. Perfect for an RV14 workshop!

While we were exploring the inner tube an Atlas jet drove by.

A good time was had at the base. We were fed all our questions were answered. We departed in the same organized manner as arrived. I still had time to fly to a grocery store in a neighboring state. :D

The next flyin at JB MDL is scheduled for September. Monitor your channels and send your credentials as soon as you know the date. Check this nice video made by Brent https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sk77KIqbsLs
We maintain those tankers at my day job Vlad..did you get to sit in the ARO seat? The boom itself has all the functions of an aircraft . Pretty cool visit you guys had!
Thanks, Vlad!

Always appreciate your write-ups. Some day you'll have to let everyone know how a Russki has obtained all of these top secret clearances allowing you to travel unhindered all over the country.😄

In the early 1990's, I was a crew chief on the KC-10A at Barksdale AFB in La. My main aircraft was good ole 83-0081, so when I seen your pics, I got all kinds of excited! Wow! I went everywhere with her, all over the world. One time at Eielson AFB in Fairbanks Alaska we broke down in the coldest part of winter, well..., too long of a story. :)


A young me in 0081's number 3 engine. Did anyone notice the SAC patch? Also, she used to be painted white. Thanks for sharing!
I was an instructor pilot in the KC-10...thousands of hrs. traveling the world. All of it spent at McGuire. I see nothing has changed there, ha! Even recognized one of the crew members.

Would be kinda cool to fly my RV-7 back there one day...of course, it will be a while, seeing as I'm still building the tail!
Great write-up - how do we make it happen more often?

Thanks for another great trip description!
Do you know who set this up? FAA, EAA, Local flying club?!
Granted it has to go through the base commander - for his approval.

How can the rest of us get on the notification lists - like you seem to be?!

Appreciate all of your trips!

All of it spent at McGuire. I see nothing has changed there, ha! Even recognized one of the crew members.

That's funny, I was thinking the same thing. In the picture of the group walking up the stairs to the KC-10 the guy in the flight suit looks awfully familiar. I flew C-141's out of McGuire. Of course, that may well be his son!
Ahh, McGuire. The start of my yearlong vacation in SE Asia.

It does take some pre-planning and coordination though to be able to fly to a military base. Once I flew to a joint base, had all the PPR clearance from the Air Force, but when I got to the Coast Guard ramp, half the Coasties were not aware of the mission and we were sequestered until they were all brought up to speed.

Departures are interesting too. Little did I know that the tower automatically filed a VFR flight plan upon our departure. They just never told us that they filed one. Even Flight Service had to search around to find the correct coordinating office.
Ahhh, my favorite three-holer. I've got a little over 2000hrs in those jets as a boom operator. Wishing very much that my time in them wasn't drawing to a close...

Do you know who set this up? FAA, EAA, Local flying club?!
Initially, this MACA seminar was an annual event organized by 514AMW (Reserve) Safety. Not sure if the 514th still runs it, or if 305AMW (Active Duty) Safety has taken it over. I think it's only advertised locally, as it's purpose is to educate the local civilian flyers about the unique aspects of McGuire's airspace and the heavy traffic in the area.

Granted it has to go through the base commander - for his approval.
In years past, the Chief of Safety gathered the pertinent info from those interested and did the legwork to get the approvals through the chain of command.

That's funny, I was thinking the same thing. In the picture of the group walking up the stairs to the KC-10 the guy in the flight suit looks awfully familiar. I flew C-141's out of McGuire. Of course, that may well be his son!
I know the guy you're talking about; I'm pretty sure he was an FE on the -141 before coming to the -10. Between the two Reserve squadrons, we've still got several former T-Tail Mafia members left who are flying the -10 in all crew positions.
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In the early 1990's, I was a crew chief on the KC-10A at Barksdale AFB in La. My main aircraft was good ole 83-0081, so when I seen your pics, I got all kinds of excited! Wow! I went everywhere with her, all over the world. One time at Eielson AFB in Fairbanks Alaska we broke down in the coldest part of winter, well..., too long of a story. :)


A young me in 0081's number 3 engine. Did anyone notice the SAC patch? Also, she used to be painted white. Thanks for sharing!

Nice picture. Look what they did to your favorite engine. :D

I was an instructor pilot in the KC-10...thousands of hrs. traveling the world. All of it spent at McGuire. I see nothing has changed there, ha! Even recognized one of the crew members.

Would be kinda cool to fly my RV-7 back there one day...of course, it will be a while, seeing as I'm still building the tail!

That's funny, I was thinking the same thing. In the picture of the group walking up the stairs to the KC-10 the guy in the flight suit looks awfully familiar. I flew C-141's out of McGuire. Of course, that may well be his son!

That's your guy gentlemen. He is a FE and he has been around for long time. He can tell you stories...


Another RVator (he flies a different three holer now) spent some time in this hangar when it was still new. Hi Ivan :D

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Proof that I was there!

I had to look hard for a photo that does show I was there a long time ago!

It's not the single seat figher SmokeyRay used to fly but it does date the hangar.

No, I am not old enough to have flown the "Thud" :D

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