
Well Known Member
So, there I was, living in Pascagoula MS last August and I find out I'm heading to Corpus Christi TX. I'm so excited because it means I'll be all the closer to all my buds at Hicks airfield, especially Jay Pratt. A quick call to Jay and Jay is as excited as I am. He says, "Carol and I will fly down to Corpus and visit you all the time. It'll be great!!"

Fast foward to present time, I've lived here in Corpus for six months and I've not seen hide nor hair of Jay or Carol. Mind you in the mean time I've flown my plane to Hicks from Corpus SIX times, flown twice commerically, and driven my truck once. The last time I was up there I asked Jay why he had yet to come visit me in Corpus and he said, "well, you're always up here, why should I fly down there!" OK, so he's got a point. BTW, truth be told, I haven't been going all the way up there just to see Jay and Carol, but rather to see Jayne, as in Jayne Roupe, Mike/Mary Reddick's neice(she's the event coordinator for the Hicks airfield pilots association:)).

So, this past Saturday morning Jayne and I are getting up and getting ready (Jayne came down to Corpus to visit for the weekend) and we get a phone call from Jay and Carol. Jay says they are going to fly down to Heritage Airpark (20nm east of San Antonio) for a fly-in/BBQ and wanted to know if Jayne and I could fly up and meet them. He also mentioned that he and Carol might come down to Corpus after the fly-in and visit.

So, Jayne and I launch for the short 35-40 minute flight north to Heritage. it was a beautiful day and a great fly-in. On the way up there I told Jayne I was in disbelief that Jay was actually going to make it down to Corpus. I wasn't sure if he was just going to stop in for a bit or actually stay the night.

The fly-in itself was great, I heard about 70 airplanes showed up and they sold 250 plates of bbq. Paul Dye showed up from Houston and we all sat around and, well you know, talked about RV's and flying.

Jay's Borrowed Horse and my -7 at Heritage

Before we left I asked Jay and Carol what they had planned and they said they wanted to come down to Corpus and stay the night. I was shocked!! I couldn't believe my ears!! So off we went, with a tail wind for the barely 30 minutes flight home. Paul went southeast and we went south.


We flew fairly close to Jay/Carol all the way home, just in case they decided to make a break for it and turn around!

Once in Corpus (actually, I keep my plane at TP McCampbell airport over by Ingleside) we stuffed both planes in the hangar. BTW, who ever said a T-hangar can only fit one RV! I don't know how we did this with all my stuff in there, but we managed.

Actually I was tipped off by Bill Marcum (the only other flying RV in the area) that two seat RV's should fit(good call Bill!).

OK, so we're here, but we're not going to Corpus, we're going to Port Aransas. Port Aransas is where Jay used to hang out while in college just before the first world war. Or was that the 60's. Hmmmm! We'll go with the 60's. Jay had a buddy who owned a house in Port Aransas in the 1960's (the house is still there. I didn't get a photo of it but Jay did). They would play hooky from college and head south for surfing, drinking, and sight seeing:cool:.
Ok, so on with the story. First a quick ride across the FREE ferry to get across the intercoastal waterway.

Then some drinks at an outside bar near where Jay used to hang out. (He had trouble recognizing anything, so much has changed in 40yrs!!)

Apparently someone forgot to tell Jay and Carol that Corpus was 300nm SOUTH of Ft Worth, not NORTH. Was it cold??
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Then to dinner at the Crazy Cajun where there are no plates, food is just dumped right on the table. Jay felt right at home!!! We were joined by Bill and Mattie Marcum of Corpus Christi. They have a flying RV-6A that they built and were both an enormous help when I moved here last fall. (I call them my adoptive parents).

After stuffing our faces Bill graciously picked up the entire tab. Thanks Bill!! Oh, to have RV friends and family!!

Then, off to the beach we went. Bill, Mattie, Jay, Carol, Jayne, and myself.

Bill/Mattie, Jay/Carol feeling good!


Carol trying to shake her own hand!!

Now, here?s where we were going to go to Starbucks for coffee, but Jay had a better idea. Back to the Bar!! Live band, good beer, and rum for Jay.

Bill and Mattie stayed with us for a while , but Bill had to work Sunday morning so they had to depart early.

We stayed a while longer. Jay and I feeling no pain (must have had a hole in my glass!)

After a late night at home telling sea stories until the wee hours of the morning, we all slept in on Sunday. Breakfast and coffee for all, and then off to the Navy base, NAS Corpus Christi. Jay needed to try a T-34C on for size.

He used to fly a Bonanza many moons ago and he felt at home in the T-34, although the turbine engine made the nose look longer than he was used to!


Jay "They didn't make em like this in the war of 1812!"


Carol: "This is a lot bigger than putt putt!"

Back to the beach for more fun times,

then off to Port Aransas again to look at boats, a favorite past time for this ole boat captain. The memories came flooding back for Jay.

Note Crane in background to Jayne's right.

We drove around looking for the old house I mentioned earlier that Jay stayed at in the 60's. Jay about fell out of the truck when he found it. It looked much the same as it did back then, although I’m sure the purchase price has probably increased ten fold!!

After a quick lunch at a local seafood joint in Port Aransas, Jayne and I took Jay and Carol back to the airport. After good byes, they blasted off into the sky and less than two hours later they were back at Hicks.

Saying goodbye

It was a good time and I’m glad they came down. All you Ft Worth folks got a place to stay if you ever come down to Corpus. Mike and Mary, Mike and Gayla, Rich Rudolph, Danny and Martha Jane, Mike and Cary, Doug Reeves, Bob and Carol, Debbie and Dan, etc, you're all welcome here. Between my place and Bill and Mattie Marcum’s, we can accommodate all. !!
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Awesome write up, Tobin!!!

Man, you're really making me want to come visit. Even have a hangar! Appreciate the standing offer and looking at the flight planning stuff now...

CC Report

Great report Tobin! Thanks for posting all the pictures.
Looks like y'all had a FUN weekend! :)


Carol and I want to come down more often. I had kinda forgotten how much I like Port Aransas.
Thanks for a fun write up. See you up here next week.