
Well Known Member
Carol and Iwanted to beat the Texas 100+ heat after Oshkosh....... We launched for cooler weather...........

We flew to a 'new to us' B&B, on an airport. Crawford, Colorado. It is a hit! we recomend it. French Country Inn .com

We are now in Eagle, Colorado. Visiting my cousin. We have been doing some light hiking and heavy eating.

Next we are off toward West Yellowstone. Camping on the field. We plan to stop in or near the Wind River Mountains on the way.

The Missouri River and Winifred, Montana are a loose destination when we leave West Yellowstone, following Louis and Clarks trail eastward.

Plymouth, Indina is on our stoping list. I have a friend that sailed his 44 footer around the world that lives there. He left the British Virgin Islands with 2 kids and returned 4 years later with 3! Must be something in the water in Australia? He is a pilot now and a "farmer" .

We plan to meet up with Tobin & Jane, 'RV7' in NY the end of August for a few days in New York. We 4 will be visiting the Heberlings, 'RV10' in the 1000 Islands area of the St Laurence River.

We need to be back in Fort Worth around the 5th of Sept. I know it will still be hot, but i will be tooo broke to continue.

See you at The Bad Lands Fly - And LOE!
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If you're camping, try Moose Creek, Idaho. It's forest service strip, no services, back country. Beautiful place!

Not far out of your way.

It's the place I first saw some RVs, as a matter of fact, at least the first time away from Oshkosh.
Awesome, Jaybird, tell Carol to watch out for the biting deer.

You guys are missing nothing around here, it's still 100 plus every day.

Where exactly is the airport camping at West Yellowstone? I went to Google Earth but could not see anything that looked like a camping area...
Sounds like a lot of fun. Sorry I missed yall. Been hot here too, rained yesterday which was welcomed. Have fun
Wind River Wheels

If your Wind River stop is at Pinedale (PNA), I could loan you a set of wheels for a day or two. I would offer you a bedroom. But with 2 kids packing up for college, their bedrooms could be hazardous too your health:eek:
Our day time temps have been mid-70's lately, but are forecast to soar to near 80 a couple of days this week:cool:
I'm in the white pages, but to save you looking it up: 307-360-7478

David, We will be in Pinedale around 1:00 PM. I will give you a call.


Scorch, The camping is on the field West Yellostone. I have not been there yet. There are some pictures in others trip rite ups...

The New York idea is fading,,,, Tobin dosen't have leave that week ,,,, so,,,, we will consider Moose Creek. But we have already been there this year. In June. The Dayton Airforce Museaum might be an option for us after, Indiana.
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Jay, I'll plan on that & wait for your call. If WYO Dave has wheels you should take him up on it, he's a good guy. Maybe we'll both meet you out there. I shed most of my extra cars when I "ran" from the FBO. I had some doozies (74 sedan deville, 73 Cuda). I had an econoline van for trailheaders that I hardly used to see all summer. You would think a pilot could drive a car without gutting it, but not always. I had one guy drive my F150 with the park brake on & the key wedged in start. Cooked the alternator, starter, start relay, and when I pulled the back wheel the drum was EMPTY. No brake shoes, spreader bar or nothin'. Same guy parked it & flew away without a word. These spam canners can really be obnoxious. Another reason I like the experimental crowd.
West Yellowston pilot camping

Scorch - the West Yellowston pilot campground is in the pine trees off the north end of the ramp. There is an outhouse, a shower house, two water facets, and I believe 4 sites with table and fire pit. The terminal has a restaurant in it and there are rental cars available from Avis and Budget. The FBO has morning coffee and WIFI, just ask for the password. We camped at WYS during July 4th week.
w Yellowstone

West Yellowstone is all every one said it would be. Carol and I had a car, Avis, for two days. We have touched on some of the highlights of the Park. Really some interesting sights. It will take a lot more trips to see this wonder of nature.

Tomorrow we will head east.
West Yellowstone is all every one said it would be. Carol and I had a car, Avis, for two days. We have touched on some of the highlights of the Park. Really some interesting sights. It will take a lot more trips to see this wonder of nature.
Sounds like a great time. WYS is on my list of places to do a fly-and-camp trip. That part of the country is just amazing.

Flew over Vettermans

Flew over Vettermans house, Found Larry in a new Mustang in front of his house. Cool Car.
We are in SD now. Where to next??

We made good time east.
Over nighted at Sky Harbor DTY. It is on a barrier Island on Lake Superior, near Duluth, MI.
We camped next to our plane. Walked the The beach, marveled at all the sea planes. J3 on floats, 180s C206s a Taylorcraft! all on floats. The fuel hose is long.
There are two Beech 18s on floats here. They are used to commute to a private resort in Canada. Seems the owner sends his friends and customers up there every week all summer. The pilots say they are getting paid to fish!
Next!,,, Mackinac I
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Own the Farm

Fog changed our plans.

We diverted south to a friends farm near Plymouth, Indina. This family sailed west and returned to the British Virgin Islands 4 years later when I was working there in the 70s and 1980s. They rounded the world in their 44 footer. Started with 2 kids and returned with 3. Carol and I love to spend time on the farm. Horses, a lake to swim in, fresh garden vegies. Store bought hooch. Life is good.
We are foged in today, and we don't care.
Plymouth? Gee whiz, Jay ... you're about 15 minutes from me. No fog here, just gray overcast. Supposed to be nice later on.

Too bad I'm working today. You guys could fly up to 3C1 when you're done on the farm and hang with us at the lake for a day or two. Unfortunately, this coming weekend we'll be out of town.

At least honk and wave as you fly over ... :D

Jay, I'm in Salem IL visiting some family...let me know if that location fits into your plans. My parents live on a lake here and your more than welcome to stay. I'm still on track for Sept!

New Bose

Hey Jay, your new Bose A20 should arrive today or in the morning. I have to say, I don't know that many people that get new equipment while on vacation. You are the man!!

Have a great trip
on the farm

Life is good on the farm. John see you back at RV Central.

Alex, no Bose yet. Looking forward to the new head set.

Smokey wish we could see you, but we are going to stay here a few days.

IF, the WX Gods smile on us, we will fly up to the thousand islands of N York before we head home to meet with John.

John, Not sure where Salem is, I did not put your Phone # in my phone, mine is 817 271 0594

We plan to sail in Lake Michigan this weekend. Then some horse riding around the farm. Hope we dont have to put up hay.
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The new headsets came just now. Great Big thank you!!
For those that dont know,,, Alex at RV Training com is a dealer for Bose / Tru Trac. Give him a call when you need TruTrack / Bose equpment....
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Old Forge,NY

NOT The, City,,,,,,,, Old Forge, NY is worth the trip. When you are up this way stop in here. The town is nice, and the people are friendly. You may camp on the field
a brain..


I haven't learned to post pics, as soon, if, my two brain cells start talking again,,, i might learn to post a pic :confused:
1000 Islands

We are in the 1000 Islands in New York and Canada. On the St Lawrence River. RV10 owners Mike and Gayla Heberling have a nice river cabin here on the Canada side. They have a hanger next to me on Hicks Airfield.
We plan to head home Sunday, and Monday. Hope the WX holds???

Tobin & Jane made it up for the weekend!! Good times.
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Still Hot

We are back in Texas, it is still hot...., wanted a few more days in the cool north, it was a fun trip, logged a bunch of hours, visited good friends, and saw lots of new places.

Back to work for me. If you need help on a project give me a call. 817 271 0594
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