Smilin' Jack

Well Known Member
A new day in my life as the corporate flight department that I have worked for 29 years is closing. Forcing Retirement.

Well at 68 to be 69 later this year we continue to do pilot service, help some builders at our home airport, do some Flight Reviews and IPC's and a little tail wheel training and continue our Angel Flights

Life is great the Lord has blessed us many times over.

Lunch anyone?
This can be a good thing

Congratulations Jack! Wishing you a long, happy and healthy retirement. I hope it will prove to be one more blessing in your life.

One word of caution...with that long "to do" list, remember the words of basketball coach A.E. "Abe" Lemons...."the problem with retirement is you never get a day off". :D

I hope to get down to KJZP this year, lunch is on me. I still owe you and your wife one for the kind hospitality shown to us at OSH HBC.

Any other retirement words of wisdom out there for Jack?
I met Jack while cruising the ramp at KJZP while I was still trying to find my RV. His smile is truly contagious. Jack invited me and my wife into the hangar and allowed us to sit in his beautiful RV7. Jack was then kind enough to drive up to 1A3 when I got my RV9 and spend the better part of the morning flying with me. After 12 take offs and landings with Jack and one on my own he signed my logbook and I was a much more comfortable tailwheel pilot.
I have met some of the kindest people as a result of my RV9. Bill Repucci is another one of those selfless people.
Enjoy your retirement Jack. Let?s fly somewhere for lunch. And Bill, you should join us.
Jacks retirement

In 2015 I passed through JZP and needed engine heat, Jack was first to show up with heat and he wasn't even there, just made sure I had what I needed. I retired from my full time job at 62. I then started day work as a corporate pilot, captain and co-pilot. I did that for another 12 years before finally giving up overnights in Teterboro, my last trip. I'm good with that, Judie and I still fly our RV6A and are planning a trip to Florida in March and Alaska in May. Jack, we just have to ask ourselves "how much money is enough"? Have fun Jack, and "don't let the old man in".
South of ATL

Retired and LOVING IT.
Butch (RV6A) and I are retired and we fly to lunch all over the SouthEast. St Simon?s, Jeckyl Island, Brunswick, Cedar Key, Eufaula, etc, etc....... Good weather, we meet up over somewhere, he from Milledgeville KMLJ, I from Perry KPXE, and off we go. Send me a PM if interested in joining up on one of our flites.
I am 61 now and also run a corporate flight department. I have dreaded the day that I have to pull my last chocks from my jet career. This past week I have had the dreaded reality that I may not fly nearly as long as you have. Yesterday I had to have my prostate biopsied for what may be a career ending illness. While contemplating the inevitable reality that I may not fly jets any more, I faced an even bigger horror that I may not be able to fly anything some day. I hope you will appreciate that I envy you for your longevity and hope you will count your blessings. Fly on my friend!
Wow thanks for all the wishes, yes the decision was made for me anlittle earlier than I wished but every thing is good. Now to wait for the wife’s retirement then we will see where the wind blows is a couple years

The health issues are not what you needed. But with have this group praying there is one God that can make that prostrate healthy. believe!

DPE perhaps. I know they are needed.

We will be busy if not flying, blowing the Sax at Church or strumming the guitar or our fingers hammering the keys on the keyboard
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You?ll keep busy!

Jack, it?s amazing how the time flies by isn?t it. The bad news is, once you retire, you can never take another vacation. The good news is, every day is Saturday, except Sunday.
As for flying it?s amazing the demand for day pilot services. You won?t have to look far to find a seat if you want one.
If you?re ever down towards Saint Simons stop in for a visit.
All the best to you and Anita.
Golden Years

Being retired is an adjustment and I think very few of us actually get to truly chose our retirement date. Life has a way of choosing it for us. That said, it?s also a great accomplishment and very enjoyable if you have something you love to keep life interesting and someone you love to share it with.

As Mr. Spock said, ?live long and prosper.? Stay healthy, exercise, eat right and you will enjoy ?the change? since no one truly retires we just ?work for less and enjoy it more.?
Jack, it?s amazing how the time flies by isn?t it. The bad news is, once you retire, you can never take another vacation. The good news is, every day is Saturday, except Sunday.
As for flying it?s amazing the demand for day pilot services. You won?t have to look far to find a seat if you want one.
If you?re ever down towards Saint Simons stop in for a visit.
All the best to you and Anita.
Any suggestions as to how to find opportunities for day pilots? I am also recently retired and recently moved back to the US. Lear Typed, commercial, multi, instrument. A lot of experience/PIC time in King Air 90 series and MU-2. I live in North Georgia, about 100 miles north of Atlanta.